


I wanna be the GUI

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I liked it. Ending was a bit disturbing though.

A really unique concept considering how most people wouldn't even consider the GUI as the player character (or the meta player character?).  There was a bit of a challenge spike where you had to really pay attention when it came to the coin count, but otherwise it was pretty straightforward. That ending was really something too, never thought I could feel for a text box. Glad you had a choice though!

I like the type of feeling it conveys. I was playing a GUI that was supposed to follow instructions and  my sole purpose was to help the player.  Yet at the end I had  to make a personal choice that mattered. I wish there were more after that though. Pretty solid game considering the time span for the game jam. Good job!

Cool idea! Took a bit of time to get what was expected sometimes, but I like the idea and the progression feels pretty good!

Really loved the ending! Great work!

Quite a novel idea. I had fun with this one. Great work!

Really cool concept. Loved how varied the challenges were. The translation one in particular was really cleverly designed.

At the begining I stuck on the tutorial ( the character walked outside the window and never came back :') ) but then I start the game and it felt really cool. Really a great GUI game (a bit sad at the end :'( poor GUIs). Really awesome!

I'm stuck too - how did you got out? :)

I literally spammed keys and eventually it switched levels :p

Such a great idea! Great work! 

This game was great and strange and I love it :D

Very interesting... I enjoyed this.

Very good concept and art! Good job!

Funny twist at the end :)

I wonder if this concept can be reused as a training game to make understandable UI. Not focusing on timing as with the coins and life, but just on design; basically a UI editor with some feedback. Of course it would be limited as all the player feedback would be scripted/computed and not actual human feedback, but may be enough for a beginner.

I was reluctant to start the first mission ;)

This was a really great concept and really fun! great job!!

Wow man, I had alot of fun in this game. Would like to see it expanded into a full title. 

I think you could of done a little more, having the "player" act more like players and do thing more things that a GUI would have to deal with at the same time.  But I am just reaching to give some critical feedback at this stage. 

Hey there! I often do a focus on gameplay before story, I wanted to emphasize story a bit more this time around ;)

But yeah, juggling with GUI things could be quite fun!·View all by Joqlepecheur·Report·Embed

