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Fun boat race game! Kinda funny how the game link and concept art are about cats, but the actual game and title are about gators. I honestly love how stupidly big and dumb the gators are, and I'm always inspired by uniquely stylized 3D worlds like these (did you make an SRP?). Minor thing, but you might want to make it clear X for restart is for the console. I was pressing X on my keyboard to no avail hahahah

Thanks for checking it out!

Lol yeah the at isn’t clear right now. There is supposed to be cats driving the boat to escape the Gator but I suck at organic modeling and haven’t been able to make anything decent yet.

As for the world it’s using SRP. The style is mostly through the composition and surface shader. I did experiment with some post processes but when I showed it to people they agreed it made things worse so I disabled them.

Also thanks for the note on the x button. I totally forgot to update that bwahhjh·View all by AlexM·Report·Embed

