


Gun Nut

Gun Nut

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what is the whole "0" upgrade that I found coming up every time

it is really annoying and It does nothing

also found a fun bug
specifically fire rate sometimes just doesn't change even if you see in upgrade stats preview that it will change fire rate to 0.0, it stays for example 0.23, same with changes fire rate to 0.3, stays at 0.23
how and why???

Hm, that’s something for me to test, thanks!

a fun game but absolutely horrible in little details
1. manual reload in a bullet hell type of game
2. no proper info on how your attachments stack/switch
3. no proper info on when the aoe attack happens, just a circle, youmight get damage, might just fly straight through it
4. dash is either too short or too long in almost all situations, on bullet hell bosses it doesn't work at all, you'll just crash into a bullet or fly through it, since dash doesn't give invincibility frames
5. no way of regenerating
otherwise a great game that i like
if it was a full game, more balanced and with issues fixed i would love it.

and i've just beaten it because i got lucky(orbit was the last upgrade)

Thanks for the feedback! I agree with you about the lack of polish. My only excuse is limited time (this was a game jam submission).

Once I'm done with my current projects, I will return to Gun Nut and do it justice.

No problem! Yeah, i know, i just read that it will be updated in comments a few times and thought it might be already xd

Thank you, and i hope it will be given justice, because imo it's a great game idea.

if i could refuse to upgrade i would have already complete the game

Great game! Only thing I could wish for in it, is for an auto reload as a generic feature everyone gets or as an item.

Or just move reload to left click, hard to move and reload xD

I beat the game (at least I assume I did as no new stairs showed up) I had a very op gun

Glad you could progress! I should definitely update the content some more.

Please, Please let us move while upgrading, it would make the game so much better, and it would even be easy to implement.

Ok, I've updated the game. Now you cannot be killed when choosing an upgrade. Fingers crossed.

Let me know how it plays now and what other issues I should fix. Thanks!

Thank you so much, I can finally progress.

Getting upgrades kills you 90% of the time

Yep, that’s a known issue. Not gonna lie, I’m just being lazy about fixing the game.

I promise I will, though.

Honestly if we were able to still move and just not shoot during the upgrade I think it would be better then if it just froze the game. Because right now, the game is kinda unplayable, it feel like we're being punished for killing enemies, and so far I haven't been ale to get past even the third monster (that is WITH me just spamming upgrades and not even looking at them).

it is annoying htat the game dosen't stop when you get an upgrade, if you are unlucky, you just die

would love to see a full release on steam

Pictured: Me possessing a bullet when I started my second playthrough. My bullet type didn't restart either (but that might just be a visual bug).

I just had the same thing. I let myself die on the dummy just to see and the reload did that.

i find it unplayable without auto-reload

shadree1 year ago(2 edits)(+1)

Um, I was fighting the second boss when a bunch of exclamation marks appeared on the floor and game reset itself but now the music is playing on top of the music. Now I can move my hands but not my body and when I shoot it comes from the body... 

I thought the quote "WARNING: This game is unfair, unbalanced and unrelenting" was just because it was a jam game.

Yeah, there are tons of bugs, unfortunately. I literally uploaded this game at the last second. A poor excuse, I know, but what can you do.

I do want to update this game once the jam is over. The core idea is solid, it just needs polishing. (And lots of it.)

the hands and hit box move but everything stays at the start

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