Ok, WOW. I absolutely loved this game. So glad to have found and played it. It took me a few times restarting before I realized that each run through added on to the other. Super interesting and cool. I also absolutely ADORE dragons, so obviously I loved this game for (SPOILER) allowing me to not kill this one.
I've had that thought too, in recent days! I made this during the school year, right before midterms, so I didn't have time to flesh out the skeleton of the story as much as I would've liked. I'm working on an update for ESCAPE in my spare time, one that includes a combat system, fuller story, and more messing around with the idea of (Spoiler) iterations and loops (/Spoiler) that set Twine apart as a medium. Something to make it feel more like a text-based RPG than a demo.
Now, it hasn't evaded my notice that Look Closer tends to be more popular than ESCAPE (and everything else I've done solo put together), so I've been setting aside some ideas for a similar Look Closer expansion as I go. If I can teach myself enough of the Twine script to make a go of it, I'd love to build out more options for applying the "look closer" mechanic at players' discretion. Make it more of a puzzle and less of a "figure out how it works and then it becomes an instant fix for everything." Develop the mechanic as a sort of character in its own right, one that can grow and change with player creativity.
Can't promise anything in the near term, but I'm already amassing ideas for someday~
...and when that 'someday' comes, there will be dragons.More dragons.