


Digital Partner Digimon

Digital Partner Digimon

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On evolution requirements I see an icon that looks like a red scissor. What does it mean? I wish the tooltip Angemon would explain the evolution icons for players. Otherwise good use of tooltips so far! 

Edit: it means "gain a level". So 5 then a red scissors means "gain 5 levels" 

Aludeku37 days ago(1 edit)(+1)

Hi, sorry for the late response, those must be the indicative of times you need to do something, for example, to evolve toIkakkumonyou need to battle40x.
Another example, to evolve toVikemon you need to win a tournament10 times.

Is there a chart for the evolution somewhere

late response, but if you purchase a d-terminal from the shop you'll be able to see the evolution requirements chart for the digimon you have open

The game is amazing bin play olmost a week but There a glitch when increasing a digimon life and then frizzing it the life will rest to it original to it life spand so I wasted 6 blue apple 

Oops, kinda late but, fixed! thanks for reporting

Is this game still being updated? I would love to see kaisergreymon and agunimon line

sim, está em desenvolvimento

Very fun game! 

A question for the Dev: To the various creatures have any differing stats? IE will a MetalGreymon vary at all from a SkullGreymon? 

From what I can tell, it's only in what they can evolve into, but I would like to know for sure. 

I saw on the Discord you're busy, so hopefully you can find some time to answer, but if not, I can only hope you're doing well. Thanks for making a fun little game like this c: 

Hi, sorry for the late response, thanks for the message, every digimon have different base stats, MetalGreymon for example has more life than SkullGreymon, but SkullGreymon have a Higher ATK power, the difference it's not that big tho

Ah, cool. Thanks for the reply, that is enough to satisfy my curiosity. c: 

This was is a very charming and enjoyable little pet sim. I missed out on the v-pets as a kid, but always wanted them. Thanks for making this! 

Hey I love this game!! I think it would be cool if the Adventure mode could optionally work with an actual step counter so you could go on a walk with your Digimon. Just an idea. Keep it up!

How i can jogress wargreymon & metalgarurumon?

When will you add agunimon and his evolution line? You added some of the other spirit Digimons so why not him?

is there anyway to play a debug mode where you can get any digimon? And if not are there any plans on one?

Deleted post251 days ago
Deleted194 days ago

Game is primarily for android

Deleted post250 days ago
Deleted194 days ago

Just curious, but can I play as Kuramon and its evolutions in this game?

Currently no

Aaaw... I see. :(
Thanks a lot for the answer.

I love this, it might be one of my favorite v-pet fangames if im honest.

Is this still being updated?

Hi when i try to access the discord link it says its expired

Is Shoutmon x4 implemented? If so, how was it implemented?

Newtamer here. Just a simple questions. How you guys topup/refresh digi stamina after its have been exhausted?

It refills over time. If it is night time try telling the digimon to sleep. It might be just me, but stamina seemed to recover faster that way. Gaining a level recovers half of the stamina but enemies may get stronger as your level rises. 

Its a random event during adventure mode. Mine appeared in the virus busters stage.

why some eggs blank, i can not unclock some eggs

You need to unlock them, in the game's discord there's a channel called FAQ, there you can check each digitama requirement to unlock them.

is it possible to facing seadramon while entering adventure with Mega Digimon?

Yes, you can find him with any digimon stage

Is there a way you could add a mod menu again

Do you ever plan on making a .ipa version for apple devices?

Hi It's seems the fusion between ANGEMON and DEVIMON is not working 

You need to unlock it first.

Hello, I really like your game!I would like to ask when Omega X will join the game

it's in the game already! 😁

what is old digital world?

A adventure mode where you can find a lot of digimon that carry the X antibody 

May I ask how do we get to the old digital world?

Find Omegamon X in the virus busters adventure mode, with a ultimate level digimon or higher to unlock it

Is the mobile apk just as up to date?

Yes, if someday one of the file is not as up to date it will be the windows one, the game is being developed with focus on android

how manyJogress digimon in this game now?

Too many, didn't count, you can check the list with all of them in the FAQ channel of the discord server

Where can I join the Discord community? Is there a link?

Kinda wish there was a hard mode for Adventure mode and Tournament. It feels like the game stops being challenging after your Digimon have decent stats. Boss battles are challenging enough, but I find other modes to be lacking in difficulty after a certain point.

how about adding dorumon, renamon, meicoomon, and lopmon?

They're all in the game already,except for meicoomon that will be added sometime soon

I kind of wish you could freeze your digimon, you know so they don't age, get hungry, get tired, but they can't do anything. cuz it gets kind of flustering having to manage a lot of digimon once you get them

if you don't load their memory they'll be frozen, like you can have 6 digimon and just use one, the other 5 will not age as long as you don't load their memory

Selfish question: do you plan on adding the Keramon line to the game? that would be boss. also I feel like there should be some tweaks done for the training mini games, especially HP and strength, both are a little bit finnicky in my opinion at least

Yes I have plans adding keramon line. Also I'm planning new facilities where you can train your digimon without having to play minigames.

Only just started the game and am really enjoying it, heaps of potential. Not sure if it would be possible but it would be amazing if you could make it have your Digimon appear on your home screen like the virtual pet app called hellopet

You mentioned a evolution guide in one of the dev logs but I can't seem to find it anywhere please help

Hey, you just need to buy the D-terminal in the game shop, this item shows you the evolution tree of the digimon you are raising

Loved the experience, hope for more updates !

SiriusVcX1 year ago(1 edit)(+1)(-1)

I found an interesting bug people found way to cheat in game evos by fast forwarding their phone clock and changing the time on phone to have infinite age on their digimons.And using the basic Vpet in game this should be patched.Cause it's not fun to abuse such gimmick.

Iv just downloaded the game and it seems like something iv been looking for a while. Question, does the game time continue progressing even if the app is closed? (I play it on my android) phone). And does the game alert you via notifications if he's hungry and what not? Thanks in advance :)

I know you already pointed out in the description that the sprites come from the VB, but aren't most of the other assets from official Digimon products too? Honestly, this feels a bit sketchy to me, considering itch gives people the choice to pay for the game...

Anyone have idea? The digimon evolution depends on time or level to the next evo?

Awesome game ! Thanks for this ! I would love to see a french translation ! Please let me know if I can help !

EDIT : On smartphone, the stamina doesn't seems to regenerate while the app is closed.

also, is there an impmon in the game? i want to raise it into a cute wiz; if don't how about adding him on a next updade

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Updated 2 days ago

