Neat idea. Some classic game design mistakes like not explaining things to the player: 1. what does upgrading axes and finding better quality axes do? doesn't seem to make them any stronger. 2. what is "spiky" and "hammer" and the other affixes?
AoE effects are generally not useful but could be improved by tweaking some combination of making the area bigger, doing more tick damage, sticking around longer, triggering more frequently (and these could be improved by upgrading/better quality probably).
I ran into a bug that made me unable to progress, I hit the home button and then "play" and then trees were invincible. They would take like 2/3 of their health damage, and then would stop taking damage. I tried buying different axes and upgrading and stuff and nothing worked and I could proceed. No biggie, I was almost at the end anyway.
Good job, hope you get a good grade.
Hey man! Thanks for the feedback, I greatly appreciate it.
I'm in agreement about the AoE stuff being pretty ineffective at the moment and a few people have mentioned to me about maybe having something a little more recognisable for which axe is better.
Upgrading the axes effects the tick damage of AoE and normal damage of an axe, however, I do agree that the frequency & length could be effected by this as well.
Could you give me some more details about that bug? Maybe some screenshots? I haven't ran into that before. The WebGL build isn't perfect, I've tried to flesh out the actual build as much as possible so unsure whether it is something to do with that.
Thanks again,