Hi Everyone!
- My name is Michal, but online I prefer to use nickklimos.
- It's my first ever game jam, never done anything like that before. I joined for two reasons: have fun and learn something new. It's all about this, right?
- I don't have any specific game type as my favourite. I play everything that's good in my opinion:
- RPGs (Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls, Witcher)
- Action RPGs and MMO (Diablo and Guild Wars)
- Strategies (Heroes of Might and Magic, Warcraft)
- FPS (Quake, Doom)
- TPP Action (GTA, Red Dead Redemption, new Batman, TC: The Division)
- Racing (Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsports, some Need for Speeds)
- Sports (FIFA series)
- Simulation (Flight Simulator, Train Simulator)
- Retro (Super Mario Bros, Super Mario World, Pokemon on GameBoy Color)
However, I've always been a single player. Except Guiild Wars all my favourite games I played solo.
- No, I'm completely fresh. Unless you count a high school project back in year 2000, when I made a 'Who wants to be a Millionaire?' clone. It was written in Pascal, using graphic mode, running in DOS. Long time ago, seems like a Stone Age nowadays.
- I'm passionate about everything that's related to gaming. Both video games and more traditional ones (tabletop, card games). Sometimes I love to dive into a good book, movie or TV series. Except that, I have a family and a wonderful son that I'm slowly starting to introduce in the world of games.