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i played this game a long time ago but for some reason haven't given it a review until now?
i love this game. i think it was fun to figure out all of the endings, the art is gorgeous, and the characters are unique. when i did my first playthrough, i somehow got Li's good ending,,, then after a bit i tried again and could not get it again for the life of me lol.
loved Tao's route too. i think the scene with the boba in the good ending is especially pretty! i also think the idea of us (with MC being unaware) kind of "on the run" is fun.
for Hu, i'm not sure how to get his good ending? i looked through the files at the scripts, and didn't see anything, but maybe it's something hidden. his endings were much different than Li and Tao, and i enjoyed playing his route as well.
i am a Li lover and have been since the very first playthrough. i also like Tao a lot, but idk. maybe he holds a special place for me since i got his good route first?
i DID notice the hidden(?) ending in the script where they move out of the complex, and i want to try and figure that out.
overall i adored this game, and honestly i replayed it so many times before Hu's route came out. something about it just makes it really loveable for me. thank you for your hard work! i know you're in college, and school can be pretty draining T^T. i feel like i could compliment this game in an essay, but i think i've already rambled enough. thank you again :) !!
Creators pour their blood, sweat, and tears into their creations. Games take a ton of work, and it isn't like it's a full time job that pays. All of this is essentially a labour of love.
Sooooo the passive aggressive "ohhhhh no looks like it won't get finished" is both insulting to the creator and even potentially disheartening. You're really complaining about, essentially, receiving free delicious cake?? Just because it's a slice and not the whole thing.
If you're really looking forward to the development of the game, then show your appreciation for what's available. Offer your support and share what you liked.