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Good game. I liked the atmosphere and level design, plus it has some great scares.
However, it has some major optimization issues. Based on my computer specs the game recommended that I put everything on Best/Far, but that resulted in getting 8 FPS. I figured out that it was the Shadows setting causing the issue. I turned Shadows down to low and left everything else at Best/Far and then the FPS was fine. Therefore, there's likely an issue with the way the Shadows were done on the higher settings. Also, for future games please include Vsync. It's very important for those using ultra wide monitors. Without it, there's lots of screen tearing.
Thanks for replying! I agree, I played "The Lost Fear" on the same computer and didn't have any optimization/FPS issues. The only issue for that one was screen tearing due to the lack of Vsync.
Thanks for looking into adding Vsync for your future games! I think it would improve the experience for a lot of people.