This game has hella potential. I love the old design and I love how the game looks. These puzzles were really fun to solve and I hope for them to make another part of this
they are all very doable just gotta put your mind to it, pay attention to the blood from the fountain, and you can click on the banners in the statue room
I LOVEEEEEEEE THIS GAME (had to go to youtude for some) but for the most part its an fun game and i kinda feel bad for liz and lawson BUT WHOS ORI0N ? and i wannnaaaaa know if lawson will keep texting her
I really liked it - I ended up guessing the word because I wasn't looking at the fountain, lol. It was a very clever concept and the end spooked me - great game x
this game made me cry so hit home with my little sister who passed away at 17. she just wanted to leave this earth so badly. she did and the last part- reading all the things she misses and cant do anymore broke me. I wanna say thank you but also heck you at the same time. thanks
oh my god. that was such a beautiful game. it was so so so emotionally compelling!! and very scary too, in order not to spoil it, i'm just gonna say that orion scared me the most. the ending was beautiful and heartwrenching. amazing work <333
This game is great, I wish to credit you for an inspiration for a project I might be making for school :) Please continue making cool projects like these!