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I cannot express how much i enjoyed this game, but for this guy to make another game that had me at the edge of my seat from start to finish, is seriously an accomplishment. You did really well with both the gameplay and the story development. I overall really enjoyed it, i'll be playing any games you release in the future! 5/5 stars
I found a glitch in the traylor park mission. so basiclly the trailer where you find the letter I did not see that in the first time I went there so I left. I later came back to the building and found it but I was not able to get to the trailer across. I have seen a full game video to see where to go and it was the exact one. I was not able to open it. So I could not complete it
This game is really amazing and i enjoyed every single part of it, amazing storyline and case solving. The only issue i had with is copyrighted songs when i uploaded to my yt channel. About the voice acting we can not expect much from an indie game, this for me was an amazing addition and hard work. Well done JordiBoi i love your games.
16 years old ?! I can't believe it.
Some YouTube gamers who beat the game are far older than that (even parents) and still didn't get THE ENDING, which by the way IS PHENOMENAL. What a rollercoaster ride of an ending.
Plot-wise another great thing is the title chosen for the game. I love it.
There was one thing though about the plot that I didn't like, but I'm not gonna be the one to spoil anything.
I love these games that are comical in certain aspects (like the PS1 presentation or how some characters are portrayed) yet quite mature in the plot and vibe departments.
Congratulations for such an interesting game.
I played this while my friend watched, and WOW. Overall, such an amazing game, and the ending brought me to tears. I can't wait for you to come out with more games and content you're an amazing developer and this was an amazing experience. I loved the story and was very curious the whole time about everything. I would definitely play it again. I loved this game.
Really good game with an astonishing mood. It reminds me of my old PS1 and some games like ResidentEvil (the first). The main aesthetic is gorgeous. I really like the work on the background sounds. However I have some bugs especially when I am in the water with the corpse. I had some difficulty coming to the surface. Also I found the crowbar, but I cannot open the next door with it. Overall a really good experience. What is the engine under this development?
Great game, sucks that it crashed on me when I tabbed out on Linux but it was karma because I said something about wanting to cheat the game
I was close to the end too
Does it really make a difference to set the frame rate to anything higher than 30? Were the higher frame rates tested? It's weird because if you set it to 144 and then try to go down, you will get values like 124
THE FINAL PIN: Un agente de policía pierde a su familia por su obsesión con el asesino del cuervo, lo que no sabe es que tan involucrada puede estar su familia en el asunto, juego de novela policiaca estilo retro con un argumento y trama bastante buenos, gracias por crear el juego, saludos a todos!!!
Decent game, but, just like Shopping List, the pacing is terrible. The game is way too long for the amount of plot/content. It should be half the current length. In particular the side character flashbacks and long epilogue are completely unnecessary. You have a tendency in your games to over explain the story, which wastes time. If you gave them the necessary information, trust your audience to be smart enough to work out the plot without every single plot point being explained to them in detail.There also aren't any good scares in the game, so it's more of a thriller game than a horror game. Still, I liked the game overall.