Such an interesting game. It was dark at times, but added to the spookiness to it. It was short, but it got to the point. It was overall a very quiet game tough, so it through me off. Overall a pretty decent game, but since it's so short, it doesn't overstay it's welcome.
The gameplay is at 4:17:07 Overall, the Xmas decorations was very pretty & it did make me smile a lot! & I thought the game was pretty nice, short & creepy! I wasn't sure of what to do at the end, because it was so dark & even at the start on the stairs, I couldn't see where I was going.
Solid holiday horror! idk if theres a legit ending but i tried my best to get in the room lol, i also tried the other rooms and tried waiting for him to pass by, by hiding behind couches, nothing worked! either way great game!