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seems I have to pass on that... first map ever where my machine is going into groaning mode... as good as this map is (and it really is good!!!) I wish it would get a performance rework... I'm no modder but maybe the tree-thing got a little bit out of hands ;-)... however, if you have the equipment: play it!
so i had the map as beta tester and when the public version came out i deleted my old farms and the mod out of my folder, i then downloaded the new version and i have put it in my mod folder and unzipped it and i have tried unzipping out of the mod folder and no matter what i do i am still not able to see it in my maps to choose from when starting a new farm, any ideas? i have tried several different things including downloading it a couple different times.
i checked it and there are no numbers in the file name or anything like that. i unzipped the main folder then it made a taheton public folder that doesnt show compressed and then i go into that and then another zipped file that has the maps, icon, modDesc.xml, and preview in it. idk what else to do. i have even tried onetime unzipping the second compressed file and it still did nothing for me. at this point i just recovered the last beta map of it and i have been playing on that but would like to play on the public one if possible.
I disabled the Premium pack but am seeing these 2 errors
2023-12-28 12:35 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/***/***/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Taheton_County/maps/mapUS/placeables/waterFillTriggers/waterFillTriggers.xml'.
2023-12-28 12:36 Error: Failed to open xml file 'C:/***/***/***/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Taheton_County/maps/mapUS/placeables/buyLiqFert.xml'
Looks like these files are missing from the zip file.
Hi, first up: Enjoying the map! Big time!!! I have bought the farm right across the highway from the ethanol plant. Loving all the details. One small-ish issue I came across is that the corn dryer does not seem to allow the storage of "narrow" soy beans. As it is intended to be only a cosmetic difference, as I understand it, I think it should be treated the same way regarding the storage in the corn dryer.
Really looking forward to future updates to this awesome map!
Hi, really love the map. But I'm having trouble cutting the bushes, tried plowing, using the paint ground and the Liebherr 622 pack from Blacksheep modding with the forestry mulcher, which I normally use for this purpose. No problem with grass or trees, just the bushes don't go away. Is their something I can change for personnel use to be able to cut them? Keep up the great work.
PS, just found out if I paint grass plant, not the ground texture, that will destroy the bushes. All is good, thanks again for the map, loving it.
Anyone else have this issue: I cannot load from any silo in the game. Started my farm with the lands along the South edge (farmyard with chickens, sheep, pigs, and cattle plus surrounding fields). I can unload into the silo attached to the cow barn, but I cannot get anything back out of that silo. So I tried a couple of other silo options (some mods, some basegame) with the same effect. Tried mod trailers and trucks and basegame too. Really want to play this map...but when you can't use any silos...
Also tried eliminating every mod I have except the ones included with the Taheton mod pack, still no luck.
figured it out.
The map does not work with Precision Farming
If you install it the map silos will not fill trucks/trailers anymore.
So I am playing without them.
Reinstalled the Swathing Add on by BCBuhler. It works just perfectly!
Have been back and forth on which package I like more, Precision Farming or the Swathing Addon - they are incompatible. So I am playing with Swathing Addon and no Precision Farming, and I am okay with that.
Nope. Soon as you add either version of Precision Farming you cannot fill trucks/trailers anymore. With NO other mods installed. Using the farm in farmland #7 and the silo on the cattle barn there. I double checked by only using the modhub version of Precision Farming cleanly installed and no other mods besides DR's Taheton pack downloaded from here. Unless something in his mod pack is the issue?
So I completely uninstalled the game. Deleted everything in my Farming Simulator 22 folder. Did a complete clean install. Installed DR's Taheton add on pack, and the map both fresh. Then installed Precision Farming fresh from the modhub. Still no luck. If it is working for you my only conclusion must be that Steam and Taheton have an issue. I would prefer to play with Precision Farming...but Taheton looks so good I might just go without PF <shrugs>
Now however my steering wheel controls are all buggered up because I can't remember the sequences I used to make my G920 play nicely in FS 22
<shrugs and sighs>
Downloading this modpack should solve that issue. https://drmodding.itch.io/fs22-taheton-county-ia-rcr
I have respect for the individual modders who made each of those mods. Some of them already don't like the fact that I put them in a mod pack. This can seem disrespectful. I put them in a mod pack for your convenience, but I still want the individual modders to get credit. I will not hide those files in the same folder out of respect for them. If it's too difficult to read and follow a few instructions, then so be it... I guess some people just won't be able to play the map. Just my two cents lol
I see the intention. But that's what the "start from scratch" option is literally there for, if people choose to play it the hard way (realistic). The vast majority plays on new farmer, where they already have some starting equimpent.
The map ( or rather the game itself) aready gives you the option to start from scratch if you wish to do so. But taking away this option does nothing good.
Personally I don't care that much about that, because I prefer to start from scratch anyway, so this suits me well. I'm just saying, there's no point in what is basically erasing the easy difficulty level, since there are three.
I get your argument, but I have played this game since LS09 and have talked with hundreds of players of the FS franchise. I don't know a single person that doesn't play with modded tractors and equipment. If you are playing on a modded map, chances are pretty good you are also playing with modded equipment. SO.... If I pre-load the map within game starting equipment 99.9999999% of players are going sell the starting equipment and use the money generated from that sale to purchase the modded equipment they prefer..... So what's the point? How is that realistic? If you want the money, download and use Easy Dev Controls. If you want to be realistic get a loan and purchase your equipment.
Did you download and install the Taheton Mod Pack? You'll need that as well. If you already have some of the mods from the mod pack, you'll need to replace them because they were edited for Taheton County. So maybe that's what's causing the issue.
Also, don't forget to activate all the required mods. It happens to me sometimes...
You guys do realize that I have a real life outside of making maps for you right? Childish? I can decide to release the map whenever I choose. Its childish that you feel I should release the map at a time that is only convenient for you. I have people from all over the world who want to download it. Technically its already tomorrow in parts of the world. How do you suggest I find a time that works for every time zone? If you have suggestions, I'm listening... Oh, and sad thing, I came on here to update the links but now I'm typing this instead which is taking time away from the release... but I guess its childish to respond to your comment as well.
I'm sorry that you feel that way. If you read my comments carefully, you'll see that I'm all positive about you, respectively your map. I didn't mean childish in a bad way. I didn't think about it that much actually. I have no doubts that you have a personal life and I wasn't here "banging" on your door for the map like others did. I told them that it will be released eventually and that it will be worth the waiting.
You seem to understand that for some people the release date is 12.23.23 because of the time difference, so people get confused. Now, non of this is your fault and (hopefully) nobody is saying that.
I couldn't care less if it was released a few days later, as for now I have no time to play anyway.
However, I could have been more careful with my words and I apologize.