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honestly great game dont know if its possible to get characters in game with special attacks that arent your starting character since my team is constantly full but still fun game

Thank you very much!
Originally there were many more types of items planned that would have made characters more unique (including those that join you along your runs), but eventually I stopped working on the game before reaching that point

found a softlocking bug, when you have only have one character on your team and that character doesn't have a special attack, if you buy the special attack refill from the hand the game will soft lock and instead of it asked which character to put it on the text "what do you want" will appear but no cancel button.

Thank you for your feedback! Currently the game is no longer on development, as I didn't even think that someone would be playing it after the jam for which it was created ended, but I'll try to find some spare time to fix this

Great game! I really enjoyed it. :)·View all by Sanjuro·Report·Embed

