


Journey Galaxis+2: Updated. 24/2/2025

Journey Galaxis+2: Updated. 24/2/2025

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Okay, so I'm enjoying the intro of the game (playing +2 edition) so far but I have a serious gripe: 
The self-healing of the enemies 
This has got to go. It's making battles unbelievably more frustrating and difficult than necessary. Especially with this first boss Elemental. Healing for over 2000 HP when I'm lucky to do that much with both characters damaging for a 1000 each (that is when the enemy hasn't evaded and I'm doing 0 damage like every other turn). 

Hello Desmonda, I'm very sorry you're experienceing some difficulties during battle and I am very grateful for your feedback! For the moment rely on the use of the main characters Impact Attack and Xaions abilities. The elemental was a boss creature and may have overused the healing during your battle. The basic attack ability is hit or miss, where as some abilities cannot miss such as the ones which cost AP and MP. Please bare that in mind and don't forget about the magic bombs in the inventory for those emergency situations! I will aim to improve the hit rate of the attacks and nerf the healing. Please let me know of anything else I can help with. Thank you!

Hello, I have made a post for help with battling which I hope can explain things a little more. I hope you are still enjoying Journey Galaxis also. Thank  you!

Hello Desdemona, I updated Journey Galaxis and there's also some new items in the game and a new NPC that sells them in many of the areas of the game. If you're unsure how to move your save I'm making a video and so I'll show how to do this so you may move the save across. Thanks for playing and sharing feedback too! 

Really appreciated! I'll be booting this back up soon and taking another gander at it. You made something pretty nice here.

Deleted post1 year ago
Deleted196 days ago

Oh no 😞 hope you can get this all fixed soon 🙏🙏

Thanks so much, I will make a new Discord very soon again. I hope also you are doing okay.  

am ok I guess

Xanda1 year ago(2 edits)(+1)

Make sure to take care of yourself and save some time to play some games too. I'm still working also on Holo Battle. A lot has changed on that game and it will be great to show you again when I have things running on Discord like before. :)

Hopefully you can fix everythings soon and looking forward to see new things you made for Holo Battle and the card game 🙏

Tell me when you do 

Hi there! Really cool game, I was thinking if it was possible to translate it into Spanish :)

Deleted post1 year ago
Deleted1 year ago

Thanks for the quick reply, no worries! It's my job anyways (I'm a translator lol), and I'm looking for work right now

Hi, I bought the game but when installed it only lets me play on Casual, it chooses that automatically and says "more options will be available on official release." Am I doing something wrong? I am pretty sure I downloaded the right package from the page here. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Thank you so much for buying!

It has been sometime since I made adjustments due to the newest game project I've been working on. There is only one game mode, I planned a survival type mode. Be reassured the game is a great challenge after many updates and at least 8-9 hours of story! 

I should change the difficulty option for a future quality update. :) I'm working on an update that will remove the prompt from the start of the game. Sorry again for that confusion and please leave any feedback for me especially improvements you would like to see in future.

Hello fluent. I have updated Journey Galaxis today. Thank you so much for supporting. I've made sure to remove the prompt and fixed a few other small parts. You're welcome to download the game again as there are some improvements which were made to the menu which you may like better. Any feedback or any issues I'll be glad to help! 

Please move your save game file in to the new folder to continue playing. Have a great time!

is the guide free if buying full game (when available)?

Hello, sorry I had not replied sooner and thank you so much for your purchase! Please download the demo guide and the full guide will be free and out very soon! Let me know if you need any help at all. Here is my Discord for support at any time. Alexanda#409

Hello. I have uploaded the Second Island guide. There is still Island 3, 4 and 5 to go. I'll do my best to get these out as soon as each one is done. :)

Journey Galaxis is now free. I hope you'll give it go!

Found some bugs.Also in this location bee quest autocompleted. This is first island when we start game. 

Ahh, when you are in Mays farm Arianne will help to defeat the Forest Bees, she may have completed the task for you if you were idling or exploring. Make sure to speak with May to collect your rewards  until the main quest completed. Thanks also for the screenshot as I can see that I left some NPC's laying around in that scene which I will patch on a future update. :)

Deleted post1 year ago
Deleted1 year ago

Looks good. I think it's can helped ppl,especially page 2.

Is the girl hiding behind the boy normal?

Ahh, you are right. I will put that on my to do list for when I return back to Journey Galaxis. Thank you so much! Have you played much more of the demo by any chance and are you enjoying the game?

I played the actual game and skipped the demo because I claimed it.I think the game is pretty interesting and the story as well!

Thank you so much, please leave a rating. I really need those as much as possible. :)

I don't know where to put this but did you use custom css to change the borders of the items/collections?

Yes, I customised all the menu screens.

I wish my computer worked this looks rad 😭

Thank you so much Reddyy.

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted1 year ago

AAAAGH I MISSED IT D: I was busy scrambling to get like 4 clinics to play nice and give the green for some much needed surgery. At least it went through. I am touched you thought to tell me! I so won't mind throwing money at your game/s when I can play pc stuff again. you're  alright.👍👌

It may come around again, I'll make sure to message you again.

Deleted post1 year ago
Deleted1 year ago

thst looks super polished , design the guide yourself?

Yes, thank you so much. It's an original design. I will be covering all the maps and game mechanics for the guide book. I have always been stuck with the best way to show the game and I hope this will help as it will come included with the demo and full game. 

I have now decided to make Journey Galaxis a free download. Happy Easter!


Thanks again for visiting. The latest update to Journey Galaxis features new battle sprites for the game. I make an occasional update now and then, so it really is worth keeping an eye on the page for what might be coming up next!

Thank you for the continues support. Please leave a message here if there is anything you would like to see in another free DLC update. :)

Xanda3 years ago(1 edit)(+2)

Thanks so much for anyone who decides to play. Please message me If there is anything that causes an issue in game.

Hey again Alexanda, it has been a long journey for you and your game! I am really impressed of how far you have gone with RPG Maker games! It has been long for me since I last played your game and I like the way it looks now, I made a small overview showcasing the demo start and made the video around 20 min so people can watch it without worring about it being long (I had ppl complain about this haha)

I really hope for you all the best with your next prjoect and thank you so much for naming an item after me in your game, that makes me happy honestly. You deserve the best Alexanda.

Hey, it was excellent to see how comfortable you were in playing. The time working on the tutorial was well spent. Its a slow burner at the start but after you leave the island your mind will be blown away. :D

I am making some time to play this today.

Quick heads-up: You haven't set any available platforms.  You should do that since it can't be installed from the Itch client and won't show up if someone searches for Windows games.

Also a few questions:

1) I still can't get my gamepad to work, am I missing something?

2) Is casual the only difficulty?

Hey Midnight Spire, which game pad are you using? I myself use an Xbox 360 control pad. I'm not sure how others would perform. And casual is the only option. I decided it was better to stay that way. :)

i am playing with keyboard and all is fine :)

All comments about the game are from the previous updates. The latest version has been improved and the story is able to be completed.

Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted3 years ago
Deleted post3 years ago
Deleted3 years ago

 i didn't knew chapter 5 would start already, Ayatsu looks great too bad i didn't get to try a battle with her . now i think i can't go further in the story ? i went back to  Valeon and had a scene with Lucas ,he said we should go north to some settlement but there is nothing north of Valeon, there just the Saintia forest .

well done with all the things so far :)

Thanks Anwynn :) Ayatsu will be back. The story ends at that point ogf returning to Vale on, but you're able to do Dungeons. Have you done the team dungeon mode at all? 

though so that it story stopped there for now but i had to ask :)  yes i did the dungeon like 6 times i think ,at first i didn't do to the end but later i did :) it was fun and some things were unexpected :) i bought some stuff with the dungeon points ; so far i got one Vitality Hat and one Though Shield ,soon to get a 2nd Vitality Hat . 

though at some point i had a strange bug...i had went into dungeon and when i choose return because i had forgot something in valeon, i  got teleported near Varoona forest, good i had saved before it happen :D

Yes, the teleport may still be buggy. It's was insane how I got it working from different islands. Have you tried the new feature. If you press Q on your keyboard a window opens. You can use Spirrit charges to heal, and teleport back to the last village you had visited from any location. Also, there are 2 dungeon modes. The other one has Sonnoko and Clara using some special abilities for the dungeon. 

yes i tried both dungeons :)  i did not knew about that q keyboard or i forgot , i'll try and see , you did great :)

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