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That was a quite dramatic story and for myself, a dive into my childhood (ZX 81 anyone?). I love reading and I love figuring out what meaning lies behind the words. Keeping maps and directions in my head. Where do I placed the teleport again???
Found out about your games after your talk to Dom Schott and even followed your recommendations (Marco Innocenti and Blerkotron). You all got me back to good ol' text adventures, thank you!
Retro or not, I played the game in a browser... smile and wave!
You saw this? https://8bitgames.itch.io/hibernated1/devlog/416076/bugfix-for-mega65
So if you downloaded R13 on the original R13 release date, it still had an issue. You should be fine when downloading it again now.
I do have a MEGA65 myself and the game runs fine on it. Make sure that you run the latest MEGA65 core and Kernal.
I have a brand new Mega65 from the latest batch with ROM V920395 and downloaded the latest R13 archive two times. But there seems to be something wrong with the .d81 image.
My Mega65 seems to mount the image, but when I try to copy it to an actual 3.5" disk, the Floppy/d81 Imager V1.7 from Intro disk #3 can't read the image (in contrary to all other images on the sd card).
When I start the game I can hit Return and get an answer, but when I enter any word it just freezes.
I've updated the disk to use the modern Ozmoo interpreter instead, as I am doing with Ghosts. Feel free to download the archive once again and test if it works now on your MEGA65.
I am guessing something must have changed in the MEGA65. The old image was created by Deft, one of the MEGA65 admins. There is no chance it did not work and it definitely worked on our machines when we tested it.
PS: There is a slight chance that the error you are encountering, especially when trying to copy to a real floppy is related to your SD card being fragmented. That has nothing to do with the disk image itself but with the way you put files on the SD card. Regarding making a copy of it onto a real floppy, please refer to the MEGA65 Discord, as that has nothing to do with the disk image per se :)
Hi Stefan, I started playing Hibernated on DOSBOX, but apparently there's a bug in the game. I've 147 points so far, but there's no vibro knife in the sick bay area. I was wondering how to cut the hand from the corpse but didn't find the right item. When I was getting frustrated, I watched some walkthrough videos. In those videos the sickbay area contains a knife, but in my version of the game, it's simply missing. Is that a bug?
Nope, I am still working on it. I tend to say now it's done when it's done but you could try my brand new game The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor if you like to 8bitgames.itch.io/ghosts
Sorry for the late reply, I must have missed this somehow. Yes, there is an option when you bundle a Z-machine game with Ozmoo on the C64 to add a loading screen, so rendering of the graphics actually happens while the interpreter and the story file is being loaded. In other words it is not part of the Z-machine and is displayed before the Z-machine takes over.
Yes, the Hibernated sequels will be written in PunyInform. I don't think I'll give The Curse of Rabenstein an Inform treatment, but I recently laid out some ideas for a Rabenstein sequel that definitely will be made with Puny. And I have, very recently finished a new game "The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor" (going to be released soon) which is written in Infocom's advanced Z-machine format (Z5), also with Puny as a library.