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BIGA JAM V.2 - $5000 Of Prizes »Entries »Nade Wars

Viewing post inNade Wars jam comments

Not half bad, really had a fun time. It's a bit sad how overpowered the flashbang/HE/HE/HE combo is but It's nice to have enough options to experiment. Really clever use of each grenade type.

As always, being able to play 1v1 locally is such a nice addition

Glad you enjoyed playing, i was aware of this overpowered combo but unsure the best way to fix it, would be happy to take any suggestions if you have a good solution, thanks for the feedback

Honestly I think reducing the stun duration would do wonder, currently it's long enough for 3 HE grenades to be thrown and with a bit of extra time to spare

Alright thank you for the input, I'll tweak the duration for the full release :) on on Facebook
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