Alright Just got through Night 1, and Holy crap this game is fast paced, 12-3 not a problem, but then foxy becomes active, oh foxy becomes active, and I don't know what you put that guy on, but he is FAST, I swear Id stay off the camera for 5 seconds and he'd be in stage 3 ready to knock me. I ended up just listening for the footsteps more than just checking on him. As for the others, never really delt with them, as chica I only had one encounter with a Bonnie, Im pretty sure just got blocked when I dealt with foxy. As for now, I would nerf the night one animatronics, but so far so good. (Also if the difficulty is there because you have button controls, that makes sense, still though, night 1?)
In a way tho I actually found it manageble? See in the original Foxy takes power every time he runs, Starting at 3% per knock and then 5% later on , (If i'm not mistaken) but in this game he doesn't, so really he only takes power by forcing you to shut the door, So i will say if you do nerf foxy you should probably bring back the Power punishment, (P.S just beat night 3, Freddy is a Pain in The Butt, But thats a problem in the main game as well, He's just a Butthole Honestly)