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It might just be that I'm stupid, but I don't understand some of the achievement unlock conditions. I've beaten the crusher with various max tier weapons, but I haven't gotten any of the 'survive a run with max tier' achievements. I also have achieved like +130% jetpack duration and still didn't get the achievement. Am I doing something wrong?
The cyro-beam is pretty weak, especially in the late game, it doesn't deal enough damage to take out enemies fast enough, and it's pretty expensive to try and upgrade it early in the run, it not dealing aoe damage that makes it kinda useless for ad clearing. I feel like it should be crowd control due to it's slowing effect, but it can't even do that, even when I got to a higher level with it.
I have played it, I haven't gotten far enough to unlock any of the new jumpers though, school work and stuff, but the new weapon leveling system is nice, and the new way that the jetpack works, makes it feel like the rest of the jetpack's fuel that you didn't use isn't wasted after you stop using it.
the Humble Beginnings achievement was a bitch to grind as the snowballing upgrade curve of the weapon tiers meant I had to grind for I believe an hour whilst also juggling not killing The Crusher. Still a really fun game although I feel like some things shouldn't be locked behind achievements or at least not locked behind very time consumming achievements.
Hey I really enjoyed this game but I will say that I found myself already easily overpowered without putting much investment into the game. With the basic jumper and only a few out-of-game upgrades, I was able to clear all the waves with the basic pulse rounds, rocket launcher, and a rejuventation totem. There were a few times where I was able to stand still for a good portion of time in the last few waves.
I certainly understand this is a demo so I'm sure the difficulty curve will be taken care of as more content gets added. But like I said, I really enjoyed this! I like just how many monsters there are and the fact that even though I'm getting stronger and faster, I always feel like the swarm is right next to me. It provides a good feeling of suspense.
Two things I think this game needs
One is Invincibility frames upon getting hit, atleast by the same enemy.
The other I'd say is an option to enable autofire on your primary weapon.
Also in my opinion the jetpack shouldn't use up all its fuel when you let go off it for flying for just a short bit of time.
Another thing bothering me is the lack of variety in the playspace, a lot of games like these have a randomly generated enviornment as to not make every run the same.
Otherwise I think it's a pretty good game.