


Death is a Guest

Death is a Guest

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wish we could romance the side charcters! It's a wonderful game wish there was another game or DLC that would allow you to date all the side characters I would pay for it!

We love that you’re so invested in the side characters!!! honestly, they definitely have a lot of potential for deeper storylines and romance, lol

Who knows, maybe one day we’ll get to explore even more of their stories 😏💖 

We truly appreciate your support! It means a lot! 🙏❤️

I wish there was a simpler way to load the game than having to quit it.

And if you can't scroll back, then at least a history button in case you clicked to fast and missed something.

I like James. I think.
(Perhaps it's his eyes. And I don't mean the color.)
I like his reaction to the (possible) murder too. ^_^

Caleb is pretty hot. 
I like him even more after talking to him.
I like him lots more after the murder. ^_^

Theodore is different from what I expected.
Although it's always cute with a guy in a dress. ^_^
Oh, wait, it's not a dress. It just looks that way until you hide the text-box. lol
(His hair helps the impression I think. Those curls...)
He seems interesting tho. Probably. What people say anyway.

....kinda like his speech tho. lol

Brandon is pretty cool. He makes a great first impression.
....less fan after talking to him tho.
Why would Dr. Frankenstein have scars?
Or did he mean to say "Frankenstein's Monster/Creation"?
(Who may or may not have been named or named himself Adam. It's been awhile since I read the book tho, so I am iffy about that part.)

I like Felix.
I like him more and more. In a funny kinda way. lol
(Is it bad I find arrogance and delusions sexy? xD)

I don't like Aiden. He's boring.
I like him less and less and the game goes on.

The choices are a bit limited sometimes...
I can't know if someone brought a knife or didn't use a knife... all I -can- know is that it wasn't one from this kitchen. And that's only presuming everything was from a set with no extras. (Plausible, but not guaranteed)

....I'd make a lousy detective, cuz 90% of my answers would "Impossible to know without further evidence." xD

(My main suspect is also the victim himself, but hey!
...that grows stronger as the game goes on.
Maybe it's a programming flaw, but if it is intentional the blue color is really suspicious. Sounds intentional. He wasn't chocked to death or drowned. Of course, giving it a few hours would easily solve that mystery, courtesy of internal gasses and whatnot. Hrm... Suddenly I feel like digging up that book on corpses again. lol
Could be a third party not on the guest-list too. It's not exactly a secure house.)

Nice twist revealing the obvious about the original cause of murder btw!
NOW it's a -real- mystery! ^_^

My bet is on poison this time.
The symptoms fit, considering what Brandon said. Tho I'd be hard-pressed to say which poison.
(Drowning on dry land is extremely hard to achieve, especially in a way that doesn't make the body wet.)

Nice touch explaining why they don't go to the cops like normal people tho.
I love the dash of realism in this game.

I -would- say that a slow and methodical search while staying together would be the obviously logical choice.... but since when was humans logical? Especially when panicking?
I've studies psychology for far to long to expect rational actions from human beings --especially under duress.

Which again adds to the realism, so... Kudos. ^_^

The creator is an evil and cunning person to make the last chapter the one you need to purchase. After you've gotten really into the game, so it'll drive you nuts if you don't do it. lol

Very cunning.

I'm not sure if I should be impressed or annoyed. lol

Deleted post270 days ago
Deleted221 days ago

We appreciate you taking part in our game. We're glad to learn that you had such a memorable and enjoyable time. It's wonderful to hear that the mystery kept you wondering and interested the entire time! Since we don't work often with mystery theme, it means a lot for us!! 




fsahiufas I really like this definition for him X'D oh... we're sorry about it, it hurt on us too :( create that scene was hard...

James and Luna were siblings like, the only person he would care more is Theo, and Luna would be Julie

awn thank you so much!! I truly hope you like playing our other games as much as you enjoyed this one! 🥰❤️

Love the game so far! 😄

Please could you post/share a walkthrough? I'm having difficulties with achieving some of the other endings.

Just to note, there appear to be a couple of glitches. Sometimes the skip function gets "stuck", so I can't stop it from skipping too far forward. Also, when dancing with Aiden, when the MC says, "Thank you. You were a great lead for me", there is an image error, stating,Image 'Aiden smile'not found (although it does appear later on). 

Thank you for your feedback and I'm glad you're enjoying the game! 😄 

You can find the walkthrough through the artbook, it's the last pages 😉

oooh we will give a look at those issues and we will provide an update to fix it, thank you very much for mentioning it!! 🙏❤️

Is this game Going on Steam or NO?

We intend to bring all of our games to Steam, but no date has been set yet.😓

Oh, Ok. Take your time.

im happy to see the full release <3

thank you!! We are also happy to have finally released! \o/ 

I love the game so far!! I'm sort of confused and clicking at random hoping I'll do something right but I feel so bad for accusing anyone :sob: I was correct for Theo's killer, but the others I honestly have no idea except for getting "comfort" from a certain someone.. Amazing game as always <3 (I hope there will be a walkthrough soon, I really want all cgs and endings but I'm just too dumb to choose the right choices :sob:)
Personally I didn't mind that the game costs, I'm happy to support you amazing devs!!

sauifiua oh no D: I feel you, it hurts to accuse the wrong character.  We actually did a walkthrough, and you can find it in the artbook. Check out the last pages for a detailed guide. ✌️

fsahfuia thank you so much!! ToT ❤️❤️ Your support means a lot to us! :) 

Hey sorry for another reply but.. may I use one of the pics of Luna as a profile pic? I could give creds as well!! If not I completely understand, I just love her design and character

hehe it's fine ;) yes! feel free to use any art ^^ and don't worry, you don't need to give credits. aawn I'm glad that you loved her <333 

Congrats on the full release, can't wait to chill and play later~

Thank you so much! We're overjoyed about the full release too. Hope you have an amazing time chilling and playing later! <33 

I love this game. Favourite route definitely Felix. I somehow felt more connected with him. But when it comes to character design... Caleb. When his first cg showed up I had to stop playing for a good minute. XD

Thank you!!! ❤️❤️ yeah!! Felix brings a lot of feelings :') and I can't disagree hehe Caleb is HOT! hfsahsia X'D

Parabéns pelo lançamento do jogo, pessoal! 🎉 Estou tão feliz por vocês! É um prazer imenso poder comprar o jogo e apoiar de alguma forma. Criar um jogo é uma jornada e tanto, e eu realmente admiro a dedicação e o talento de vocês, especialmente por serem brasileiras. Tentei me tornar membro pelo Ko-fi algumas vezes, mas sempre encontro um problema na hora de logar no PayPal, quando entra e vai novamente para a página do Ko-fi  fica só carregando e não sai do lugar. Felizmente, pelo deu tudo certo. Quero agradecer de coração pelo trabalho duro de vocês e dizer que estou aqui torcendo para que continuem seguindo suas paixões e fazendo o que amam. Vocês são demais!

Nossa você não tem ideia de como a gente ficou emocionadas com isso ToT <33 

de coração a gente agradece muito!! e nós estamos também pesquisando outros meios de facilitar para a comunidade br, como um ou cartase ^^

de verdade, ficamos muito felizes com o seu apoio! e com certeza nós iremos continuar e trazer muito mais jogos <333

I'm surprised to see it actually cost money but I bet it's worth it^^

Thank you!! we really put in a lot of work and dedication! <33

Congratulations on the release!!! The new cover art looks amazing ^^

aahfduwsafhiu Thank you so much!! <333 

P.S. I sent you an e-mail. I hope it was  delivered without being flagged as spam.

i was thinking it will be free....

We only mentioned this on our Ko-fi, but including a price will help us in terms of support and in improving the quality of our games!

its fine , i am glad that i played the demo though

so proud of you guys seriously <3!!!!

fhuidasgfiaugfuia thank you so much Jojo <33 ToT 

Why is the game with money? I think it is free like the rest of your games

We appreciate your feedback! The decision to make this game a paid one is often influenced by some factors, including the costs associated with development, then we can bring more quality in future games, maintenance, and ongoing support. <3

Well, I will collect his money and try to convince my father to buy the game, and I hope he agrees. You really deserve it. Have you thought about an upcoming game for you? Can I give you an idea for an upcoming game? I have many ideas already.

YOOOOO! THIS WAS THRILLING AND AMAZING!! When I played the demo I had my own hunch on who the killer was, but when I played the FULL game, the twists kept on coming! So happy I checked randomly my feed tonight!

(Also, If someone an made a fan-anime OP, I this song would be perfect!)

That's awesome to hear! and we are happy that you enjoyed the full game <33 when you played the demo, did you guess who was the killer? Or was it really a surprise who it was?" X'D 

I guessed who killed Theo and I was right, but I had no idea about who was responsible for the killings murders in the game. Which made the finale even more crazy. XD

The game is very wonderful, but when will you complete it completely?

Thank you!! yes! If everything goes well, the update should be ready later this month ;) 

I forgot to tell you about a problem. When I play a game, I cannot read the text there because there is too much text.

I believe it is the font we use; we have received some complaints about it, and we will fix it :) and hopefully, this will improve the issue ^^

I'M OBSESSED!!!! I LOVE THIS GAME SMMMMM!! It made sm of the visual novel games I find so boring 😭 I can't wait for the last chapter, I love the plot twists and the story had me thinking a lot! Honestly, my favorite character is Theo or Theodore 🫶 This will probably sound SO unexpected but I think people should give Theo a chance 😔😔 I felt really bad when everyone seems to hate Theo.  My main love interests tho are Aiden and Caleb! 

Overall, I love the gorgeous art and details in this game! The designs are beautiful and I found everything creative. Also, am I the only one that likes the font?  The music, the background, the art — is all gorgeous! Beautifully drawn characters and backgrounds, and beautifully written storyline. I love it all! (Just wish I could see Theo again...)

I don't have much issues with it other than the fact the name doesn't change 😭 I love Theo though, I really hope I'm not the only one. I like how fun, silly, and cute he is. I found his death unfortunate and I was screaming and crying 😭😭😭

I can't wait for the next update! Sending a lot of positive comments and support <3

OMG!!! It's fantastic to see someone enjoying it so much. I totally get your excitement about the plot twists and the intriguing storyline—it sounds like the game has really captivated your attention.

It's great that you've found liked Theo, We didn't expect he would be kind of an unpopular character. It's refreshing to hear about your positive experience with him <333 

aawn hioasyhfsoia thank you so much!! US TOO!! WE DIDN'T WANT HIM TO DIE... but, unfornatunally this had to happen for the storyline ToT

oh yeah... it's a bug that we fixed and will be uploaded in the next update heh 

Thank you so much!! We will try hard to finish everything this month!!

Couldn't play it on my android. The screen is cropped and I found no way to fix it. Someone knows how to?

It's happening to me also.

As soon as we finish everything for the last update, we will upload another version for Android, we still don't understand why this happens on certain Androids and not others :/ 

and we apologize for this bug and for the late reply ToT

Srry I have a question its only me or i can't change the name bc I put my name ''Roxan'' and even clicking enter it stays like Lucy?

Srry 4 bothering...

There's no need to apologize, and yes, unfortunately, it's a bug that we'll fix in the next update😉

Such an intriguing Halloween murder mystery! Can't wait for the final chapter. 

I just finished it and I am super hyped to see where this ends up!

soo how does one find a man like brandon exactly?? asking for a friend.

i loved the game, can't wait to see where it goes <3

As always, your games are amazing! I had a fun time playing this demo. I can't wait for the full release 😊

DFHSFJASKJ THANK YOU!!!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️ We really can't wait to share the final chapter and see your reaction!! 🥰❤️

A fun and suspenseful game to play before Halloween! This is my first time playing a game by your studio and now I'm hooked for MORE! The art & story looks so well crafted and that I can't wait to see what happens next. All the characters are intriguing. My top love interests right now are Felix and Caleb, but my favorite character right now has to be James! <3

If I were to nit-pick about one thing it would have to be I can’t really change the MC's name. Not that I don’t like the default name, it's just that every time I enter a name it would still wouldn’t change.

But overall, I had a blast and can’t wait to see the final product! ❤️

OMG WE ARE SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT!!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️❤️ and omg yes! James is winning as everyone's favorite side character!! We are so proud of him 😌❤️😆

But seriously, you have no idea how happy we are to read your words!! This really means a lot to us, so thank you so much!  We really hope you enjoy our other games too 🥺❤️

The MC's name problem shouldn't have happened! It was a bug!!😭😭 It only came to our attention later after the release 😔 But we are going to fix it as part of the update too 😌❤️

Thank you so much for playing and for sharing your kind words with us 🙏❤️ This is what keep us making more games every day 🥰

We hope to see you again soon with the update!❤️

Such a suspenseful murder mystery! The story, characters, setting all had me hooked right the start and never disappointed. I'll be looking forward to seeing how it ends. I don't really have a favorite character this time, I found myself liking them all about the same. Which of course means I'm curious enough to want to see all of the endings. Hehe ~

My only criticism is that I found the main font to be a strange choice in that it looks like all the letters are capitalized. I found it a bit hard on the eyes and distracting to read. But fortunately the context of the writing made up for it and made me overlook the issue. Still, it might be nice if there was an alternative option to the stylized font? Something a little more basic and easy to read.

Other than that, thank you for making such a wonderful story. I enjoyed it wholeheartedly and am looking forward to seeing how it ends! ^o^

omgg it's so good to read your thoughts!!!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️ you have no idea how happy it makes us to know you enjoyed it and had a good time with all the characters 😭🙏 

Thank you for mentioning it!!! To be honest, we were quite uncertain about using this font too 😅 at first, it looked good, but as I was testing the game I noticed it was a little hard to distinguish some words. We just went with it because the Jam's deadline was getting to us 😔 BUT! We will change it for a better font in the next update for sure 🤗

Thank you so much for playing and for sharing your kind words with us 🥺 now we are way more motivated to finish this project and bring you enjoyable endings 🥰❤️❤️

So gooood !! the art the music the characters everything was amazing ^^ ! ı really cant who is the culprit and ım soo excited to see final!! amazing work thank you for your hard work ! 

OMGG THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️ we can't wait to share the final chapter!!! We are so excited to see your reactions to the reveal 👀✨✨ 

Thank you so much for playing!!!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️

Uta_.1 year ago(1 edit)(+2)


WE ARE HAPPY TO BE HERE AGAIN TOO!!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️❤️ we were missing you guys so much 🥺❤️ and now we can't wait to share more!!!!


Sad that James isn't romanceable, BUT I loved this game. It's very promising! <3

James is getting his own fan club right now 😳❤️ DAHSBSJSH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 🙏❤️❤️❤️

The game is just incredible it bad if i say i actually wished James was a love interest.. IM SORRY BUT HES MY FAVORITE FOR NOW ON IDC ABOUT ALL THESE OTHER GUY 

GAHSSHVSHDD THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ we are so glad you enjoyed it!!! and omgg James is winning all the hearts 😆😆 it's not bad at all lol we also fell in love with him while working on the game 🥺 he is just a sweetheart 😔❤️

Thank you so much for playing!!! 🤗❤️

Wow! and just WOW! You had me at the UI!


I literally freaked out when I saw you published a new game. Your studio continues to be my favorite, your art, storytelling, and you're fun to talk to. So excited to play and I'll be ready for the full game. Nice to see y'all back! Already have my eyes on Caleb. (Or Felix if he intrigues me.) :> I will be sure to write about my experience when I'm done playing! 

OMGGG!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ YOU JUST MADE OUR DAY!!! ❤️ really, you have no idea how happy we are to know you enjoy our content 😭❤️ this means the world to us. thank you so much!!

We really hope the boys give you a great experience (and surprise you 👀✨)  can't wait to share the full game with you and read your thoughts on it!!!!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️

I am looking forward to play


oh my what a great day to be alive🫣

fdjkffsdfasdjsdf 😭🙏❤️❤️❤️ really hope you enjoy the game 🥰🥰

really looking forward to the full game

DHJASKJDH THANK YOU!!! We are already working on it and we can't wait to share 😭🙏❤️❤️

looks awesome

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️


YOOOOOO 😭🙏❤️❤️❤️ We really hope you are enjoying the game so far 🥰❤️

Nino5051 year ago(1 edit)(+2)

I LOVE IT, i loved the art wow i see so much progres than before i mean THE details was beautiful  and  we do not forget about the  SYSTEM especiallye i love it how u creat it with love and the Music was great  AND the backgrounds was wow ,i really looking forward to the full game , so good luck!!·View all by Honey Bunny·Report·Embed·
Updated 29 days ago

