


RowBot Rally

RowBot Rally

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I just finished the demo, this game is fantastic. You've completely made a new way to control a racing game and I'm hooked. Can't wait to play the full game whenever it's done. Difficulty curve on the first race is perfect, I struggled for a while but once getting the controls down, it's a blissful experience.

The demo looks great and is super fun! I really struggled the first 2 times I tried racing, because the control scheme is so original and unlike any racing game I've played previously. By the third attempt, I got the hang of it/stopped ramming the wall repeatedly, and RowBot Rally quickly became the playdate release I'm looking forward to the most!

Happy to hear you got the hang of it! If you're keen on using the "feedback" link on this page, I'd love to hear any thoughts you have on the gameplay as a whole — tweaking it to make it easier for the final release is something I really wanna nail down. 

Super charming. c:
Good luck! :D

thank you!! <3 

When is the final release?

i'm hoping sometime in the next year! perhaps the first half or so? life's been busy atm, you know how it is lol

oh absolutely. I just want to say I appreciate this game. So when it does launch I'd be happy to purchase a copy. 👍

happy to hear the good words! <3 i'll be workin' on it when i can

Looking very good! Nice concept and the entire demo has a professional feel to it. Looking forward to the final release :-)

so glad you enjoyed it!! i'm def lookin forward to it too lol

Defo trying it now! Looks really great! 

betcha it plays better than it looks :fire emoji:

I tried it now and successfully completed not only the tutorial but also the first mission, give me moooooore!!!

i'll try!! 💖

Cannot wait to play this! Looks super super fun, and has an amazing artstyle!

reported. no amphibians allowed /j

Absolutely loving the visual design for this itch page! Amazing work, both on that and on the game itself so far. Can't wait to play it. :)

thank you so much!! i can't wait to see what people think of it once it's out ✨·View all by rae·Report·Embed

