


Retro Retail - Horror Game

Retro Retail - Horror Game

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great atmosphere and quick!

I love all your games and I would like to volunteer to translate them into Turkish so that my Turkish friends can play them. How can I contact you?

Hello thank you so much for playing my games, you can contact me my twitter linked in my itch profile :D

I followed you on twitter but I can't send a message. If you want we can communicate better via discord. My discord :cakirusta

That’s me added you mine’s is Dagaru :D

Its a nice little game, well done!

Thank you so much for playing my game 😊😊😊😊

I liked this game! It was pretty short, and I think he was a bit shy when I first encountered him lol, but overall nice! Great job! 

Omg thank you so much for playing my game and great video 😊

Thank you for making this game! :D

Great short horror game!!! I feel creepy when the game starts with the radio warning us about an unknown person lurking in the area.

Thank you so much for playing and making a video on it, the guy was a little shy 😂

Short but creepy, good work :)

Thank You So much!!!, Hopefully my next will be better :D

nice and lost

Hello, so sorry for the lack of direction in the game, the final build is gonna be posted tonight there were some engine issues and i’m currently working on it right now. Thank you for enjoying what is there so far and i’m excited to see what you think of the final game :D

That’s the final Jam Submission done for the game, give it a try and tell me what you think :D

For a game jam project, the game looks promising indeed. 

I played a little portion of the game, which I guess is all that the player can do. The atmosphere is superb, very liminal and spooky. The environment design is unique as well, although there was not much indication about what to do and I was able to go up and the "antagonist" did nothing special. Of course, because this is a jam game, I fully understand the development issues, which might occur, but hopefully it gets an update and emerges as a longer experience with a bit more story and menu.

Best of luck with the game jam and future projects. Cheers! 

Thank you so much for being understanding, the final build should be up tonight, just a few engine issues with unity as usual xD, but i’m excited to see what you think of the final build :D

That’s the final build up now I hope you enjoy :D·View all by Ryan McDougall·Report·Embed

