


Isle of Lore 2: Status Icons - The Big 2.0 Update

I've finally finished my update spree for the Isle of Lore 2 asset packs with the update of theIsle of Lore 2: Status Icons. The update is free for those who already bought the pack, so go ahead and download the new files. Other storefronts will follow soon with the updates, so if you bought one of my packs somewhere else, pleasereach out so I can give you access to the files here on right away!

Let's have a look at the changes in theStatus Icons update:

  • Redrawn all the icons in 150% the size.
  • Darker, more saturated color palette to make it compatible with the otherIsle of Lore 2 packs.
  • AddedColor Mapper support.
  • Added new icons: Campfire, Anchor, Unlucky, Chicken, Disarmed, Demon, Star, Backpack.
  • Added icons which were released before, but were not part of the pack itself: Crawling, Prone, Pushback, Bubbled, Running, Jumping, Praying, Meditating.
  • Redesigned some icons: Lucky, Unconscious, Banner, Key, Closed Lock, Open Lock.
  • Removed some white areas and panels in the icons Disappearing and Overburdened.
  • Renamed the icons 'dead_0' to 'dead', 'dead_1' to 'deceased', 'dead_2' to 'ghost' and 'beer' to 'drunk'.
  • Removed sprite sheets.
  • Changed how some colors are used, for example using a proper orange as shadow color for yellow instead of a brown.

Please updateColor Mapper, in case you want to use it with theStatus Icons pack, as the latest update introduced a new, required feature, as well as a bunch of new colors, which are now part of the Isle of Lore 2 color palette. I hope you enjoy the update! :D

GetIsle of Lore 2: Status Icons here!

Best regards,

Get Isle of Lore 2: Status Icons

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Isle of Lore 2: Status Icons

136 status icons to describe positive/negative effects on players and enemies alike!

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Yes, finally! :)

Holy. New Isle of Lore stuff just dropped Pog!·View all by Steven Colling·Report
Isle of Lore 2: Status IconsBlog

