Radiant - Chapter 7 may contain content you must be 18+ to view.
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No, when you purchase the game you have access to it and future versions. The only thing is that you can't download future versions of the game from the games page, you have to download it from your library under your purchased games (should be at the top of the page). It's just how Itch handles non-free games.
I am all confused about this true edition patch. From the few webpages I could find for downloading it, there are conflicting information about whats what, For example:
For True Edition ONLY (no incest): Extract 'game' folder to Radiant. Navigate to 'game' folder. Delete patch.rpy and patch.rpyc.
For Taboo Edition ONLY (no hardcore content): Open the RAR, double click 'game' folder. Drag patch.rpy and place in Radiant's 'game' folder.
So there is a true edition patch and a taboo edition patch? The true edition patch enables the "fully-uncensored version" of Radiant but has no incest - which makes no sense since the premise of the whole game is just that. And the taboo edition has no hardcore content - which makes it a useless patch?
Please help me figure all this out so I know what to download and patch.
Thank you.
Thank you for clarifying. Ok a few more follow up questions if I may: the version we bought here, up to chapter 5 so far, seems like its heading in the direction of MC going to have incest relationships with his daughters. Am I to understand, with out the taboo patch, there is actually none of that in the game? Which to me make no sense as the whole game is build upon that, no? Secondly, if the true edition patch removes the incest content, then the un-patch version here must have the incest content. So what exactly the taboo edition is adding?
Actually the above is a bit incorrect.
The True Edition = fully uncensored gameincluding incest. However, it's possible toremove the incest from the patch by following theoptional instructions... so perhaps this is where the confusion came in. ← It includes both, but gives the option of filtering incest for those who simply dislike incest.
The Taboo Edition =partially uncensored game which ismainly incest and some other, less "controversial" stuff (like the addition of dark content).
If you want the game fully uncensored... simply download the True Edition patch and follow the installation instructions. Do not try to install both.
It's on lewdpatcher. You need only download the patch called "True Edition." It comes with a folder called "game." Simply merge this "game" folder with the folder that already exists in your Radiant directory (also called 'game') and it will work fine.
If you installed it correctly and didn't delete or change anything from the patch folder, you'll see "True Edition" on the homescreen.
The patch comes with "optional" instructions to remove incest for people who dislike it... but if youwant incest you can ignore this and just follow the regular installation instructions.
Are you by any chance an Android player? If so, you need the pre-patched version of the game, as it's not possible to manually patch Android.
Otherwise, the only thing I can really say is that you're not putting the game folder in the correct place.
It's also possible that you're not using WinRAR or 7zip to unpack the RAR. Windows' built in extraction tool is trash and will botch the files. If you're not an Android player and you're putting the folder in the correct place... start over, make sure you're using WinRAR or 7zip to extract/unpack the patch, then try again
When you download the patch, you're not supposed to move files. Open the RAR file then just move the entire "game" folder and drop it into the directory that already has a folder called "game." If asked to overwrite, press yes.
If you do this correctly, the patch will work. There's 0 reported problems with it. As I mentioned above, just make sure you're using a program like WinRAR or 7zip. Windows' built-in ZIP-extraction does not work.
What game did you even play?
Not only is the incest content completely avoidable through in-game choices, but to even get incest content in the first place you would've needed to install a patch. And said patch comes with instructions on how to remove the incest content, while applying the uncensor to everything else.
Anyone else have this download problem:
"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
Before loading the script.
error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/bootstrap.py", line 275, in bootstrap
File "renpy/main.py", line 427, in main
File "renpy/loader.py", line 263, in index_archives
index = handler.read_index(f)
File "renpy/loader.py", line 135, in read_index
index = loads(zlib.decompress(infile.read()))
error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream
Windows-10-10.0.19041 AMD64
When a man inserts his tab A into a woman's slot B and releases his seed inside there is a chance for the woman to become pregnant. So far we haven't yet seen any evidence that the MC has impregnated anyone, which makes sense since its only been a couple weeks since the girls moved in and on average it takes around a month or so for most women to notice symptoms; and most pregnancy tests only work around the time of your first missed period. So anyone that is impregnated currently won't even know for a while.
I'm kinda disappointed to see it's not out yet. Especially after it was stated by the devs following Ch 4's release, there wouldn't be big gaps between the chapters. Almost a year after Ch 4, still no Ch 5. I get that these things aren't quick or easy, but a year is a big gap.
3 months is the going rate of most other devs.
Also, it was stated that there would be more frequent status updates, that wouldn't be locked behind a paywall on Patreon. To my knowledge, that hasn't happened either.
And then there's Polarity, which as far as I can tell has been dropped entirely. Prove me wrong.
I played through all of Polarity and loved it, then decided to check out the Radiant demo and loved that too! If you're reading this, Sir Damned, I want to say I enjoy your work very much and I hope you make a full recovery soon. These games are great and I hope to play the final versions of them someday. <3
Maybe you should take time to read or do research yourself (if that is not beyond your capability). Instead you come here and complain, because Development does not progress at the pace that you would like. 104 Days ago was the release of the !Alpha-Version! for patreons only. Development takes time and all sorts of stuff can happen during that. You obviously lack manners and most importantly, patience. Accusing me of all those things is outright pathetic. I don't benefit from communicating with beings like you nor do i have any affiliation with any of the Devs.
Noneya Bisness
Chapter 5 is not fully released yet. Anywhere. The main reason for that, is the creator's health has taken a downturn in recent months. He hasn't been able to sit upright in front of his computer long enough the past months to get work done. He posts these updates on his Patreon page. From what I've read, completion of this game is the very least of his concerns right now. As are your personal grievances.
Dude, relax. No where does he state he won't update on Itch. The chapter 5 release on Patreon is still pre alpha. It's an incomplete version of the chapter. It's not 100% completed yet. The dev even addresses that here if you care to look. You can see the completion status of Chapter 5 over on the Patreon page as well. Still a scene and a half needing to be done for Chapter 5 to be considered complete.
Honestly it's a Great Game / Visual Novel. But as much as I want to say Support the Developer, I would avoid it like the Plaque. If you buy it here on itch.io the developer does NOT update it on itch.io. He takes your money and gives you the game yes. But if you want a more up to date version he makes you do a monthly sub on Patreon. So it's like 100% greedy ass Dev. So those people who have supported him on itch.io are getting fucked over cause he isn't updating on itch.io. If he would quit being a asshole and fucking people over. He should just shut down this page on itch.io regarding his game and focus on Patreon. But as the old saying goes he wants his cake and to eat it also. But he is to greedy he will keep it here thinking anyone who is stupid enough to see it on itch.io buy it and think they are getting updates when they aren't. So DON'T FEED the DEVELOPER here! Instead down vote this game and warn others.
Here's - Nr. 2.
The dev does update on itch, once the update is ready.
Read the Ch5 DevLog here:
"For those of you who prefer getting it here on Itch, Chapter 5 will be released the moment it's out of early-access/is a finished build."
Production has a lot of factors, so far every update had new locations, the writing is phenomenal, especially considering the path approaches for each character. That takes not only a lot of subtle writing, but also a lot of planning, and as paths diverge will take even longer than it currently does.
To paraphrase a german proverb: "Good things take their time."
Look at Projects such as Ripples, or what NiiChan and Caribdis are pushing out.
Eternum's last update took more than 6 months.
If u don't wanna wait that long that's fine, be angry about it. But don't throw a public hissyfit, tryna discourage sales. Jerk off, and let the anger subside.