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Brackeys Game Jam 2023.2 »Entries »Parallel Trails

The controls and mechanics honestly are pretty frustrating in how they're implemented. It's pixel perfect and unforgiving and it feels like you need to do a frame perfect combination of input in rapid succession just to get past a small hurdle, and failing that sets you back further than where you started. So for that reason I didn't find this game fun and I quit relatively early in the game :(

However, the game does look pretty decent, it definitely feels like a lot of effort has gone into making that. So good job! But the gameplay is sadly not for me :D

After the end of the game jam i will improve on the game, add new levels, and revamp the system to be (hopefully) better, i can see why it may seem frustraiting, i will be making the levels bigger and add checkpoints!

Thanks for the review it defo needs improvments! on on Facebook
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