I'm looking for a sound designer.
games that I made:https://yongminpark.itch.io/
gifs of those games at:https://twitter.com/yongminparks
links to your work(itch.io, soundcloud, youtube) will be appreciated
reach me at my Discord:Cult City#2040
I really dig your work and I would love to do sound for you!
Here is a link to some of my music:
I also make 8-bit music and sfx.
The best way to get ahold of me is by email:
Hi! I like the visual style of your work! very inspiring
I’m a composer/sound designer, still in need of someone to jam with - here’s a few links to check out:
Some gameplay footage of the mobile game called Floodlight, where I created the sounds and music - as well as some of the sound programming:
I’ve participated in a game jam once before, where I did the SFX and music for this:
In need of music too? Yesterday I uploaded some game soundtracks I’ve worked on in the past:
Feel free to write me here or, even better, to my e-mail: esbennj@hotmail.com