


Ines in: Not enough time

Ines in: Not enough time

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Hi! Awesome game. I had so much fun with it. I have a quick question: What does "The hotspot label." mean in the game? Thanks! Have a great day.

That refers to the text that appears under the cursor when you go over objects/character.

Scusatemi tanto, non so a chi e come rivolgermi, ma sul file per la LocJam6 (text_translated) manca la parola windows (finestre) per gli oggetti, proprio a inizio gioco, Ho notato che su file text_english invece c'è. Scusate! non so come contattarvi!

È stato notato anche da altri. Domani l'organizzatore aggiornerà il kit, nel frattempo si può risolvere manualmente come descritto qui:

Grazie mille, gentilissimo!

I honestly like the sixties music and suspicious plant but the game is not fun for me am still gonna give it a three though other people still like it and should try it!

You just got a new fan (on the grumpy side ofc)! Keep going guys! 

We're glad you liked it!

I had an absolute blast with this - so reminiscent of adventure games I played in childhood. Loved the humour ~

Thanks! We're glad you enjoyed it :)

Will the engine be released for other game makers?

Probably not the full engine because it's too much tailored to the way I do things, but plan to release the main parts of the engine as libraries. One of them (the pathfinding one) I alreadyreleased.

And how about a save file to not start from beginning each time?

I know, that's the only big thing missing from my engine at this point. I still haven't figured out how to best deal with it. Working on it!

Game states in a table then saved?

Essentially that's the plan, the real problem is that I did not code things with loading state in mind, so I would have to revisit everything for saving to work.

Got it. That was fun.

Neat game.

If you get bored by slow dialogs, just go to options and configure the button to skip dialogs to a mouse press instead of weirdly chosen ".".

fyi “.” is the key for skipping dialogue in all the LucasArts adventure games from the 90s, which are like the foundational works in this genre, so I would say it’s incorrect to call it “weirdly chosen”; it is in fact a pretty widespread genre convention at this point…that said, it’s understandable that someone who hasn’t played all those games wouldn’t think of “.” as their first instinct.

But for me (someone who has played tons of old adventure games) it was very intuitive, i.e. I guessed it without even looking at the controls :)

I used to play them, but we used mouse, it's been long time anyway and UX and standards change. So let's keepngood stuff from that time and enjoy progress in UI/UX.·View all by apicici·Report·Embed

