Entertaining as always! While I can't quite say I understand the battles 100%, I definitely love what you're going for.
A fun (yet almost certainly unintentional) thing you can do is focus entirely on the city building. I wanted to see how far I could go if all I did during combat was press "play" with no prep, and with the right city setup (mostly goblin huts and hookup spots) it's possible to max out your 𝆕citizen mood at 99. It's mainly a combination of "so many goblin huts nobody cares if you lose" and "max out lewd so you go on a take-no-prisoners fucking spree more often".
While this is fun and I wouldn't really want the ability to do this to be removed, if youdid want to prevent players from doing what I've done, making certain buildings less likely to spawn in the pool depending on how many you already have would probably be the best option. I mainly just went for goblins and lamp posts whenever, so yeah. I mean, I'm genuinely having fun doing it this way, but also it's your game and if ignoring battle mechanics is something you don't want people to be able to do, I totally get that.
As for the combat itself, one thing keeps coming up: how exactly does the AI work? I originally assumed they'd just try to rush you, but there are definitely times in which they just kinda patrol a single layer and don't hunt for you. Being able to predict where they go might make setting traps a little easier, but idk if you're looking for a "set a bunch of traps" kind of game or more of a "set one huge trap at the beginning and then have her pick up the pieces" kinda game.
The lewd combat strategy will be a little weaker in the coming update, but you will definitely still be able to focus on it if you enjoy that type of playstyle.
Battle AI uses temporary pathfinding. It activates after a character hits a wall and deactivates after a jump or an attack (v2 has some inconsistencies). Permanently active pathfinding just creates big piles of enemies and prevents the ability to sneak up on them, so I had to limit it very shortly after I wrote the code. While in pathfinding mode, characters will move towards their closest enemy, otherwise they run in the direction they are facing. It is possible for enemies to sometimes end up in a loop where they are blocking each other and cannot activate pathfinding. You can use phone movement suggestions to reach them if they are refusing to come and fight.
In v3 enemies will stop moving for a turn after you use the phone, so planning big explosion chains will be a lot easier on turns other than the first. Items will also be free, so there won't be any reasons to hoard them.
Very happy to see that you're enjoying the game! I'm introducing mission progressions in v3, so it will be a little harder to mess around and max everything, but easily possible if you sabotage yourself on the last mission until you're ready to win.