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Very cool idea! But I couldn’t complete it sadly, the dialogue with inspector suddenly stops when he says “Can you spell out your full na…”. I tried blindly typing my name from the passport, but then he just says that my name is invalid.
Also, it’s strange that you have to use Craliand’s date format for the passport code in the Lizerbourg passport. If I was an inspector this would raise a red flag for me. :-P
I really like the way you guys designed this game to work. I'm having trouble passing through though. I got the correct passport information I needed between karl druks and the detective (i forget his name...akechi?). I learned from the bartender a school permit probably won't cut it and a wokr permit can be obtained by hearing information from the poker dealer. For whatever reason though, as soon as I reach the portion in where "You" says "I see" an option looks like it's going to pop up (that rainbow bar shows) but I can't click it or do anything which then prompts me to have to reload the game and try the dialogue again and it's a never ending cycle of me not being able to complete the dialogue. I'm not sure if this is something I'm doing wrong or not. For reference this got me as far as to fill out the work permit I just wasn't able to get a city in Crailand figured out. Otherwise I really love this game.
I think the idea is great, but it has a lot of issues. First of all pls don't reset all my progress upon game over, man I was painstakingly fillin' out all that info I could've tried again. The dialogue options make me wanna experiment, and as soon as I experiment I am punished for it by resetting all of my progress makes it pretty bad. For a game jam game i think the idea is great, art is great too but the gameplay would've needed like a day's worth of time more polish. Good stuff though. Seems you may win me this year, but We'll Be Back.
I really liked the concept, but the game was too hard? Maybe it doesn't have enought instructions... Well, at the bar i could talk with the familiar immigrant, but when i clicked all the other NPCs it opened their lines, but closed before i could read anything and when i clicked again it said that we talked enough, so i coudn't get any information from them... I would like to play again when the bugs are fixed