


Color Mapper

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Hi, thanks for this tool. would this be something you’d consider open-source? Found myself needing to run this on a Mac today instead of Win and if I had the code I could probably look around etc. 

I'm considering it for Color Mapper and Tile Builder! :)

oh that would be awesome, thanks 

Will there be a Mac version at some point too? I have a mac, and would love to get the Isle of Lore 2: Hex Tiles, but want to make sure that I can change the color first. (Same goes for Tile Builder)

A Mac version is very unlikely, sadly. I do not own one myself and have no experience with the operating system. Sorry! :(

No problem, thanks for the speedy response!

If you'd like, and you are comfortable with sharing the source, I could probably build it for Linux and Mac :)

I'm actually thinking about releasing the source code!

It works with Wine, just make sure .NET is installed.

Hello! Can you elaborate? What is Wine, and what's .NET? Where can I download them? If either of those are Windows emulators, I wouldn't want to do that... I want to natively run it without using one of those or having to allot memory.

Wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows applications on Unix like systems, like macOS.

Great tools, and nicely laid-out web pages too!

And another neat tool!·View all by Steven Colling·Report·Embed

