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Godot Wild Jam #58 »Entries »You've killed the Rain God

W-O-W! That was amazing! Give me something I can craft and put together, and I'll be happy for the rest of thelife game!

I really loved the main mechanics of composing your "starship": it makes you feel in control of things and gives you the adrenaline of experimenting something new. I imagine it was a nightmare to code, but the gameplay appeared really solid! I also appreciated that you didn't give all the pieces at the beginning, but saved the most part for later; that helped the sense of discovery and reward in the runs. Among all of this, the battle with the rain god kinda disappear, and that's a pity. Maybe, if the rewards came from the battle and not from the reached height (which is how I thought it worked), the objective would stand out more :)

Incredible job, congratulations! on on Facebook
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