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some cool movement tech i've found
slope launching
go fast into a corner and you will launch pretty high. you still can use the double jump after that
slope boosting
fastfall into a corner to get lots of speed
pogo boost
precisely time a double jump when you pogo( hit while above(gives upwards boost)) an enemy to get a large upward boost
couple of things I noticed in this update…
first tutorial message is wrong?W does not work for jump - but Space does.Also, Q works for attack but not mentioned in tutorial message.
I started with double jump and dash.
Bats seem too easy to avoid.
It would be nice to label the names of all the enemies, NPCs and rooms - for Lore.
Can we at least get an achievement for freeing the spirit thing?
A few suggestions from a few minutes play:
the jump feels too strict - if you press jump when slightly off an edge or just after moving up over a rise, the jump is disallowed. maybe the jump check could remain for 0.x seconds before it is disabled?
should cauldrons continue to damage you in their death sequence?
it is easy to fall into spike hell and it’s hard to get out because you keep bouncing when damaged so can’t jump.
option to mute music