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Cruel Serenade 0.3.3 is up!

This is not 2!

But it IS an update to finally add data carry-over, so you'll be able to bring some important info about your CS1 game to GT, via a "DataCrystal." Here's how it works:

PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A TRUE SAVE TRANSFER. Your normal saves do NOT transfer between CS1 and GT. This is a separate system that exists to carry over a handful of relevant stats to unlock certain extra scenes.

1. Play through CS1 in whatever way you'd like to be canon.
2. Finish the game. Only endings where Mezz leaves the island count.

3. Check the "www" directory of the game. You'll see a file called "DataCrystal.js". Note that this gets over-written every time you finish the game, so if you'd like to protect a particular version, rename or move it (Just be sure to re-rename it "DataCrystal.js" before the next step).

4. Once you have your shiny copy of CS2, move "DataCrystal.js" to the www\js\plugins. If it asks you to confirm over-writing an existing file, you know you've got the location right.

5. Play GT, and suffer the consequences of your actions.

Note that GT is entirely playable without doing any of this, and in fact without playing CS1. You'll just get the "default" setting and miss out on a few scenes (one for now.)

0.3.3 also includes two minor fixes: the startup logo no longer lags, and is skippable! And Diezel's name doesn't stay on-screen during his fight.

Enjoy. The time is almost nigh.

Edit: Oh and don't let the decreased size scare you. I just cleaned up a bunch of standard game engine assets I wasn't using.


Bug Fixes:

   -Intro logo no longer lags.

   -Diezel's name doesn't stay on screen during his fight.


    -DataCrystal functionality added for save carry-over.


[Bitshift] Cruel Serenade [v. 0.3.3].zip290 MB

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Quick question I did all the steps but It didn't "overwrite" anything

Does the Data crystal.js work?

Double-check the instructions  and try again. No "are you sure you want to overwrite" warning probably means you're putting it in the wrong location, as GT comes with a copy of it with default values. It goes in www\js\plugins in the game folder.To clarify, the folder path the file gets WRITTEN to and the place you need to MOVE it to are different. It shows up in the www folder of 1, but you need to move it to www\js\plugins in GT.

This is kinda confusing 

or maybe im just dumb

Anything in particular?

Just overall more complicated than just common "move save file from one version to another". Through i have 3-4 walkthroughs in chapter 1 and 1 long walkthrough on chapter 2,and i dont think i can transfer anything without 4 hours of progress losing.

Not sure why I didn't respond to this, sorry. You've probably resolved things one way or another, but just to clarify again for anyone reading: No actual save files are transferred, DataCrystal is its own thing, a way of carrying over a few bits of data from the previous game. It sounds like you already understand that, just re-iterating for others. Hopefully you've figured it out by now, but if not, feel free to ask again and I'll try to get back faster than 9 months (Not sure what happened there, notification must have glitched.)

how many endings are there in this game? (mainly the ones that lead to chapter 2

There are two "canon" ends, and they're the ones where Mezz leaves the island...under his own power. The one in the cage doesn't count, as the story doesn't "continue" from there. Either one of the two canon ends will get you the DataCrystal file.

i dont think i ever got the gage ending. how do u get that one?

My brain is a little fried at the moment, but check out my "Scene Guide" devlog here, it describes how to get each of the endings. If I remember right it's lose to the boss with less than 3 mob defeats, loop once, lose again, and give in rather than struggling in the kneeling scene.

Are the npcs  in the first area supposed to be white silhouettes?

To be clear we're talking CS2/GutterTrash, right? They should be a variety of colors: white, brown, black. But yes, simple silhouetted figures, low detail.

Okone other issue: the second hyena ambush is literally impossible if you used your healing items before (since losing to them is just a straight up game over.) the player should get a heads up or a healing item beforehand.

Proper item management is important. In general, you should be overflowing with items by the late game, I actually need to cut them down a bit. Remember that you have a healing skill you can use while out of combat. That's also essential for saving items so they can be used while fighting.

Is there anyway to guarantee the Data Crystal Files shows up? I loaded a save at the stairs right before the Diezel fight, beat him, and then hunted around the game files and couldn't find the Data Crystal file... Is there something I'm missing?

BTW, love the game! Just bought CS2 because I've been super excited, and figuring out a way to carry over my stuff and see this extra scene would be great. Wish i was a bit better at figuring this stuff out myself, but whatever-

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying so far.

First, be sure you go all the way through the epilogue and back to the tile screen. Second, it should show up in the www folder, but you may need to refresh your explorer window (f5) to get it to show.

Also your profile pic is adorable.

Figured I'd leave this up for other people with a similar question- I believe I needed to start a new game from 0.3.3 specifically in order for the save file to work. Shoulda realized that was the case, but I was hoping I could be lazy. Whatever :> I have a reason to play the game fully again!

So how many endings work for Data Crystals?  Because so far, I have two: Beating the boars and submitting to the boars.

P.S. I decided to cut and paste both Crystals into two folders named "Warrior Data Crystal" and "Slut Data Crystal" so that I can see how both effect the second chapter.

Yes, those are the two "valid" endings.

which endings count as "leave the island?" i finished the defeated by boars ending but didn't get the file at all.

Nvm tried a different ending and it worked so i guess thats one that doesn't count

So tempting, do I want to do my original ending where Mezz beat them all as a hero but did some sexual stuff. Or do I want him in the stockade as a good bunny?

I've opened the Crystal script to read it and I don't understand. Something similar is written twice but one has a 0 value and the other something like 10... Don't think there is PM in here to be more specific on the question

There should only be one entry in the file for each variable. Did you finish out CS1 more than once? It might be appending to the file instead of overwriting it, but I don't that that should be happening. Will double-check.

Edit: just double-checked and it is indeed just overwriting the file as intended. There shouldn't be any duplicated values.

Well I mean I don't see the difference between the 4th and 6th value,or I missed something I haven't recalled... But as far as I'm aware, I tried all the events... And 4th never switch from 0, while the 6th goes up as intended with the boars

As long as there aren't two with literally the same name you're good. Five and Six are theoretically subsets of Four: every time a five or a six happens, a four happens. BUT I may not have actually used that variable in CS1 and just stuck to five and six. Regardless, none of those are what determine the extra scene, they're just being tracked for fun for now.

I dont know if i did something wrong but i cant find the DataCrystal. I checked the www folder but ist not there. I even re-downloaded the game.
what can i do about it?

Did you play through the game to an ending where Mezz leaves the island? You have to finish the game for it to be generated.

So for the sake of clarity, will the ending of chapter one actually impact the story for the second chapter, or will two just "stand alone" so to speak? Sorry, I know you probably made it clear but Diablo is killing my brain right now :<

For now it just gets you an extra scene, and potentially a few more in future chapters. But in the final chapter, if and when we get there, it will end up making a dramatic difference. So choose carefully.

Thank you for the response!

So I played 0.3.3 and got my ending. For the sake of understanding: Can you plug in an ending in CS2, finish it, then go back to 0.3.3, get a new ending and plug it into CS2 all the same?

Yes. Whatever's in DataCrystal.js gets read into 2 fairly early on (though not immediately) in a given game, and after that it's locked in on that save file. But if you start a new game, with a new DataCrystal file in place, it will go off that DC file instead.

My excitement is immeasurable, and my anticipation is set.

So what actions matter for the sequel? Is it just the slut and pure endings, or do other things carry over too?

I'll say this: the ideal way is to simply play the way you want the "official" story to go. But if you want to spoil yourself, open up the DataCrystal file; it's just text. Only one of those stats will matter for now, and you can probably guess which, but all of them MAY matter in the future. Also you can just tweak the values yourself if you don't feel like actually replaying 1, or want to try out different combinations. For now it's just one extra scene though, and one condition that determines it.

Okay. Thank you! ^.^

Will how the player handles getting to the boss be a factor? If so I remember reading in the comments you saying that beating the guard is possible, but I've never gotten close. If I’ve not misremembered would you kindly tell how so an uncorrupted run can be had? Despite the skins they seem to be elite boars going by their damage and durability, and those are tough enough in just the standard encounters.

Nope, shouldn't effect anything. I don't think losing to the guard or taking his offer counts as an official "defeat" like the others.

Well that’s good to know since it doesn’t look like I’m making headway on winning that fight anytime soon. Ironic though considering the scene for accepting the offer goes on about how it was an experience that would never leave Mezz.

Hey, it's all relative. But that fight seems to be a sore point for a lot of people. Will definitely be taking a closer look at it when I eventually revamp some stuff in 1.

The fight is a little easier when you lean into certain 'mechanics', trying to deal with them ALL via beating them down is fairly difficult

If by “fairly difficult” you mean “literally impossible unless somehow all of your random target attacks hit single targets every time, and they still miss more often than usual”. I have tried to ‘wait it out’, but once the debuff is applied their damage in between trigger phrases is more than healing can keep up with. Also even if that is the intended strategy I feel like it goes against the spirit of rejecting the offer in the first place.

I played through the first chapter, but I can't get chapter 2 to work even though I took that datacrystal to the right folder? could you make a video or something on how to do it? thank you

Keep discussions of the beta over on SubStar for now. Comment on the post there and I'll do what I can to walk you through it.

so in other words you need to start a new game to play both chapters? any old saved game files dont work? or games you saved After the update can have chapter 2?

Or do i need to uninstall and reinstall

The "real" save files are stored in www\save. If you have one before the boss, copy it over to this new version and just play through the end. That'll get you the DataCrystal file.

um can you explain it more clearly? autistic and learning disability. plus i tried to get to chapter 2 but idk how.

Chapter 2 isn't out yet publicly! Coming soon though. This is just being released first so people have a chance to replay 1 if they want and get a save set up and ready for the release of 2. 1 and 2 will be two distinct, separate games with their own folders, so to transfer some info between them, once you've got both, you'll need to play 1 to the end, take the DataCrystal.js file that shows up in its www directory, and copy it to the www\js\plugins directory for 2. Also keep in mind that you don't have to if you don't want to. 2 will be playable without it, and you'll only be missing out on one scene.

Ooooo, was wondering how you'd do this. Still super excited for part 2, and this gives me a reason to replay part 1!

will there be a gallery added

Low priority. That will take some doing, and have to be tweaked every time new scenes go in, assuming you're talking about 2. For one, maybe, but that will come with the other batch of quality-of-life improvements, which aren't going to happen until a lot more post-release work is done on 2.

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