


Assets Free Interface UI KIT #4 [Icons, Bars, Buttons]

Assets Free Interface UI KIT #4 [Icons, Bars, Buttons]

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So is it CC0 or mayby CC-BY or CC-BY-SA?

You should add the license into metadata for the asset pack(s):

"Edit asset pack->Metadata->Release Info->License for assets" It will increase the size of audience that will be able to find your art

The license has been indicated there for a long time, isn't it displayed for you?

I see it. I am sorry if it have already been there. I make nearly 10 such comments for a day I could make a mistake...

I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or any site use your asset? Of course I give you credit. I promise you

please forgive me. I am really so sorry... Its Your Original Work (Please don't think bad Idea I am afraid for copyrights)?

Yes, you can use in your games and sell on any sites with these assets.

Thank you so much! I wish you GOOD LUCK!

You awesome person

Hi! Awesome assets! I used them for a small game jam project:!
(also, Rainbow Dash is cool <3)

thank you very much, it helped me a lot

Did you remove the health bars, stamina UI? These are nowhere to be found.

(ProgressBar PNG) - not included in this project. They are only in the PSD layout.
This project is very old, a long time ago I did not keep them in PNG (ProgressBar). I will do it later...

Please, if that's possible, I'd appreciate it greatly.

I added this... Download again:)

Omg, thank you! How do I rate? I want to rate this a 5/5 or 10/10 whatever the highest rating they got you went out of your way to add it for me, I am so thankful man like really though I think you deserve a high rating not just because you did this because your service was nice, quick and easy and you work hard on these, they really deserve more recognition.

and it's free, awesome!

looks nice idk if fits my game

can I use it in an amateur commercial game?

Yes! Commercial and free use;

Thanks a lot for making this free :D It looks awesome, keep up the good work !

Thank you very much!:)·View all by Wenrexa·Report·Embed

