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Hi! This would look awesome in a crt. But there are some problems:
The pixels seems to be missaligned, you can notice there are different size pixels even at high resolutions.
A 15 khz crt can't show resolutions >288p so you can use base resolution like 480x270, and resize to the nearest neighbor: 960x540, 1920x1080... or 426x240-> 852x480, 1278x720, 1704x960...
This way it would display right in low and high resolutions
Also the ui is one size (+-480x270)and the game itself another one (+-640x360)
Thanks for the feedback.
The art is all drawn at the same resolution. But, we have an active camera that changes distance at certain points during gameplay/cutscenes. The UI will likely be altered more as we go forward as there are a few issues with it that we are currently working through. A new demo is on the way that has already addressed a ton of issues. So we look forward to getting that version into everyone's hands.
Hey, thanks so much for playing! We're actually about to release a newer demo that has another level unlocked for players to try.
Great video, glad you liked it and congrats on escaping the school!
For more info checkout our websitewww.bubblegumzombie.com and from there you can join our discord too. We highly value player feed back to help shape the game so please come join us :)
Also love your fan art of Kaylee 🤩 we have a fan art channel in the discord too.
Thanks for playing and have a great day.
I have both very strong positive opinions and very negative opinions about the demo.
The art style is great, and the soundtrack is FANTASTIC. The main menu theme is absolutely blasting, and the in-game music gives this great feeling of adrenaline.
Killing zombies is very satisfying (great gore and sound design), and using the special weapons is even more so (though the strawberry laser should be much louder).
While I personally don't expect the plot to be well written, it doesn't need to be; the humor shown in the trailer and in-game is great, and I look forward to all the campy one-liners.
This may not be important to some, but I appreciate how the tutorial was both diegetic (given through natural dialogue) and not intrusive. Making the game easy to understand right from the get-go without babying the player is something so many games have trouble with.
The game is WAY TOO HARD, even on "Easy". I spent an hour on Normal and an hour on Easy, and on both difficulties the furthest I got was getting all the gas cans before being mauled at the front door. The camera is too zoomed in on Kaylee that I don't have time to react to a zombie coming from the top or bottom of the screen, and the red-light section only accentuates this problem more. It forces me to waste ammo blindly shooting at enemies off-screen, and the only way to get more ammo by hoping a zombie drops it (which requires ammo to kill it) or by going all the way back outside (which requires more ammo to fight the horde waiting for me there, and since I have to use even more ammo trying to get back in the building, it's pointless). The pickups help considerably, but to the point that they're absolutely essential, despite being completely random.
I understand why these mechanics are in here--it makes the game scary! Survival horror is all about limited vision/control and resource management. But the game isn't scary, and it honestly shouldn't be. It's a game about an e-girl streamer single-handily fighting off a zombie apocalypse with bubblegum; these horror-esque mechanics just make the game frustrating instead of fun, and a game about an e-girl streamer single-handily fighting off a zombie apocalypse with bubblegum SHOULD BE FUN.
Also, the lives system is completely pointless. All it does is restart the entire level and all my progress, something that happens anyway when you run out of lives. It should honestly be replaced with an actual health system.
TL;DR I enjoyed how the game looks, sounds, and feels; but it's too frustrating with its difficulty. I feel you guys need to lean more into the ridiculous/fun aspect rather than trying to force survival horror mechanics into your cartoony retro action twin-stick shooter.
Sorry if my review was long, but I hope you read it all. You guys have a lot of potential!
Hey, firstly thank you so much for playing and thanks for providing us with some great feedback!
I agree with most of the cons, we are actually fixing the camera issue. In the new build the camera shifts slightly up and down now so you can see ahead of you the same as when you are running left and right. This would make the difficulty a bit easier and stop those pesky "where the heck did that zombie come from" deaths.
Going forward each level is slightly different and Kaylee will have many different objectives and some of the levels are bigger, they will also have a check point system and there's a few other player comfort things/power ups we are working on in the background that will make it a little easier.
The lives will be more relevant in the full game, for the sake of the demo we didn't want players to have to see a game over screen every time they died, so all though it seems a bit strange now, it'll make more sense in the next release :)
On the difficulty though, its certainly not going to be easy. "easy mode" will be less zombies and still have objective arrows, but overall its a game that has to be mastered to beat. But hopefully with the new tweaks and extra fixes we have planned this will make the game hard, but also more player friendly.
Again thank you for taking the time to play and for letting us know how you felt about your time with it.
We hope you'll try the next demo later this year and see the improvements.
Kind Regards
Brendan Toy - Creative Lead.
Hi thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed the demo. Right now our primary focus is PC, the Steam store page is awaiting approval and the demo will be available there too.
As for the future, based on success we certainly aim to bring the game to the Switch and more however its still uncertain right now.
There's also more info on our website and a mailing list if you would like to follow more closely.