


[8x8] Space Shooter Asset Pack

[8x8] Space Shooter Asset Pack

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Hello! Thank you for such amazing assets! I used them in my game for a game jam, I credited you in the description and in the game, if you want you can check it out here!


I used your assets in my game for a gamejam. Thanks a lot.Here is the game.

Hii! I'm sorry I wasn't able to test your game out sooner and it seems like it is has been taken offline now... But I'm sure it is awesome and I'm glad you've used these assets :)

This is a really nice asset pack. I just used your assets for a game, thank you very much.

Hello !

I had to prove my adaptability towards using a new game engine for a company. So since a "shot them up" style was perfect to demonstrate the basics, I decided to use few of your assets !

It's really a small project that was completed under two weeks, so it's not much but here you go !
(I hope I get the internship)

Wow, that is awesome, thanks for letting me know about the project's backstory!!!

I've just tested it out and it works great, you did an amazing job with it. And I love that you left the debug in there as a toggle haha I like seeing these small glimpses of the game's inner workings!

Really well done, Adrikat! I wish you the best of luck on getting that internship :)

Thank you so much for your answer and you support !

Update on the backstory : Unfortunately, I still haven't got any response from the company, I'm being ghosted on the moment :(
It's really a shame since at first, I made this game for the very purpose of getting an internship opportunity but hey, I made a game, I enjoyed it and that's the important part !

Anyways, glad you liked it, I also love to put customization (when I have the time and only small/easy things at the moment) so we get to see the difference !

Used your assets for a short game, thanks!:

I'm having some trouble slicing the sprites in Unity, Could you please provide me with some assistance on how to slice them? 

You may be interested in trying out which uses this pack.

Oh my, I just LOOOOOVE the arcade vibe you've managed to give to it all!

I'll certainly give it try and provide some feedback on it. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing game!

xEigen189 days ago(2 edits)(+1)

Hello, these sprites are awesome!

I want to make a game and make this open-source for a college project. Is it okay to add the assets inside a PUBLIC github repo? This technically counts as redistributing so I'm not sure if this is okay.  

I'm totally fine, just erroring on build and redirecting the user here.

Hi there, it is amazing to hear you'll be using it for a college project!!!

And yeah, I'm totally fine with it being inside a game's public GitHub repo, no problems at all. As long as they are part of a game and not under a "here take this assets" ad thingy, I'm alright, hahaha.

And please keep me updated on it. I love playing games made with my assets!

You're so kind, thanks! I will do so after we finish the project!

can you make a high detailed 16 bit version of this asset pack

I do like the idea of remaking all my 8x8 packs into 16x16 res! I have recently worked on some personal projects exploring the 16x16 resolution and I'm really into it now.

sadly I don't think that will happen anytime soon... Since I've last made some pixel art asset packs a lot has changed: work, projects and life in general. Buuut, if I ever find the time to get back to it, I'll make sure to try remaking this one as you suggested.

Thank you!

pls, do it quickly

I used this excellent asset pack to make this game!

Generic Space Shooter by RSkala ( 

We have used the asset.

I am not very good at drawing, so it helped me a lot.

This is my first work. It was very fun to do.

Thank you very much.

Geriant Boura bula by Kintapioka (

lovely assets, I am already a fan!

Come back Gustavo, we miss your assets ! =D

You have no idea how much I needed to hear that today, Cole&Gram so thanks for that :_)

I've been meaning to get back at asset making but life always gets in the way these days ahahah But I'm sure I'll eventually get into calmer waters again and finally make a come back!

Again, thank you so much for the kind message. It really made my day

what's the font tho?

Hi there!
Thanks for asking, but the font used for all the sample art was made on the fly and never found it's ways to the pack, sorry...

But maybe this is the comment that makes me introduce the font to the pack ::eyes::

its alr, nice work btw 👍

I used your work in my game.thank you very much.

bitaites1 year ago(1 edit)(+1)

I used some of your ship sprites as a base for my game :) Space Escape by me

Hello, I used your sprites as the base asset pack in my game and I can honestly say it's an amazing resource wholeheartedly recommend to anyone doing a pixel style space game!

Max Rocket by choZ3N (

I can't stress enough how heart warming it is to hear that!!! Thank you so much for letting me know about the game. I'll certainly give it a try!

Hoi dis Temmie I'm using your assets for my gam tooo!! 0.0
Public testing basically :3
(13) Lost Viper by Shogor - Game Jolt

Amazing!!! I'll be giving it a go 

Thank you so much for letting me know. It is really heartwarming to know people are still using the assets to make some super cool games :D

Thanks for your great work! The quality is amazing.
Made a game for LowRezGameJam 2023 with thie assest :D.
Here is the link to my game:

Hi hi. It is amazing to hear the assets were put to good use by amazing devs live yourself!

And hey, it seems we will be competing in LowRez Jam, because I'm also working with a friend on a game for it haha! :)

Idk if it is due to some problem on my end, but I find my self unable to load the game, gettin this static grey screen every time I try playing it.static grey screen

Loved the pack ive used he assets to create a old school solo RPG book

Awesome work!! I used the ships from this pack in an invaders remake that can be foundhere

Thank you for making this and making it available for everyone!

Code and credit can be foundhere!

Hi there!! It is so great to hear the sprites were put to good use. Thanks for reaching out and letting me know you've made this amazing game with the pack, this really made my day!

Have a great one, mate, and keep making amazing things!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!! And same to you, have a great one and keep making amazing things!!

I played your game on desktop and really enjoyed it! Mobile didn't seem to work, but you're probably aware of that. If you post your game on itch you will probably get even more feedback!

Thank you for playing! And I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! 

Yes, mobile does not work yet. I'm hoping to use this game to teach a small course on coding fundamentals for a few students over the summer. And I was considering leaving the mobile implementation as a personal challenge for them to complete after the course. 

But if I do get some time, I would definitely also implement it myself for the sake of playing this on mobile :D  

Hehe I made it so close...

These are great, an amazing value for the price. Awesome work!

Thank you so much!! I'm sure you'll be able to make something amazing with it :)

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