


"Bowling for Apples": A Special Apples to Ashes Episode

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Aww that was so cute! I'll be honest, I was like the girl from that one meme where she couldn't help but stare at a guys booba. To whoever voiced Douglas-- you sir, are a saint your voice works so well and it's so soft and nice to hear! Especially with that little accent!

The art was so soothing and lovely to see, especially when you're only limited to one background and sprite, looks very well made!

I think I just fell in love. I can't wait to see more of Douglas! <3

Saaaame. The man is a giant teddy bear.


Douglas has quickly stolen my heart! He's so adorable and his voice acting was so well done I had to stop from swooning every time he spoke! For such a short game using one asset this was so much fun! I eager await the rest of this game!

Very cute! :D

So adorable, Douglas is so adorable!!! 1000/1000 chef's kiss!

this mini episode was ADORABLE !!! I enjoyed the visuals and the art style so much !!! 100/10 fantastic mini dating sim <3

Ugh this is so cute!

I got a Mac and can't open the file even after I unzipped it :(

I also have a Mac and it won't let me open it either Q-Q

Deleted post1 year ago
Deleted1 year ago

May I ask your operating system?

Deleted post1 year ago
Deleted1 year ago

Super cute game!! I love Douglas so much!·View all by Prima·Report·Embed

