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Does the 5$ bonus content pack have a guide route for the guys? I think I found a bug, when I'm playing Cedric's route right before we lose the battle with gravity against the void my game crashes here, no matter how many times I reload.
By the way, are there plans to make a sequel of this wonderful VN? I'd like to see more of Wes and the other guys, maybe see how the romances and friendships developed.
Do not be tricked into thinking this a review of the game; I am simply rambling because the game is so notable that I can't help but to get all of my half-baked thoughts pertaining to it out, before they fade away into the Primordial Aether.
This is the reason upon why I play these VNs. For many of them, you play them, and you find them to be not the most fun nor engaging. As if the writer couldn't properly translate their muse onto digital paper. I initially felt this was the case as the hook was notably weak. Though as I watched that lame prologue come back into play at very crucial parts of the story, and in some places become entirely meaningless in the widest scope of the plot, and then eventually tie itself neatly back together; I started to forge an idea in my mind just the scope of writing I was dealing with.
That is because (in my interpretation) The prologue was a false hook. You play through the prologue scene and just a bit after, and you think that this game is just going to be about another depressed gay dude going through college and eventually learning self acceptance via some belligerently generic suit of outcomes. But then you reach the true hook, which was stepping through the threshold into Peregrine. And as small swaths of that alternate existence become clear to you, you think to yourself "Hey, this isn't quite right..."
And just as you have time to realize that it's a subversion and start making assumptions about the direction and nature of the plot, it turns you topside under. And every once in a while, you guess correctly, leaving you very involved as a reader. It's interesting, because I describe this storyline as if it has a blindingly rapid pace, but it doesn't; the pace waxes and wanes in speed as if an orchestral notation. Or perhaps even it was written in a way to where it seems slow but is actually quite fast in the overall scope of the story.
Another thing that I quite enjoy is that the game doesn't take itself too seriously. In fact I'd proclaim that it is uniquely balanced in the way it juggles light and heavy topics to forge a delightful, almost random experience- a randomness that feels quite true and parallel to our reality. Shit just happens right? It's that mentality, but cranked up to 11 so as to fit the nature of an engaging plot. Now that doesn't mean it's overly dramatic, it's just telegraphed to the reader so that they can start to get a feel for the direction that the plot is taking.
Additionally, I like how much comradery and chemistry was simulated between the characters in such a short timespan. It's funny because you can tell that even the characters themselves feel that way in the end. And on the topic of the ending, I was a little sad but also refreshed at how bittersweet it was.
All in all, this game was music to my ears (not even mentioning the exemplary soundtrack), It was fantastically written and didn't overstay it's welcome. Thank you for providing me this experience and I hope to see that you have more tales being strewn onto the spinning wheel.
I decided to come back to this almost a year later, and good god, that writing is still amazing. Cedric route just has hit after hit. Relatable struggles fill the whole game, but I wanted to cry at the Cedric leaves ending. It's such a complicated but sweet relationship, it feels like the true end, but there's just such high quality across the board, you can say that about almost any of the endings. (They're all great! Just that some spoiler-y ones like staying with Remus are fairly unlikely. But at the same time, when you go through the route leading up to it, it makes sense y'know? So like from Kieran as a general character/concept, probably not, but for Kieran and co. from that timeline it makes sense?) Idk. I just knew that there was a good reason I kept this downloaded instead of deleted once I finished the main route(s) of the characters I was most interested in. Cedric, as he develops, just feels so real, vulnerable, and just indescribable. I feel their dynamic as best friends who grew up together, the awkwardness of trying to make things work, and how in some routes that awkwardness and tension ultimately remains. It's unfortunate but realistic that Kieran and the whole rest of the gang don't really stay in touch in any of the routes.
I like how the end of Cedric's route even goes into interesting details like how they had lasting trauma after y'know almost dying, something many VNs don't really acknowledge.
Cedric and Kieran's final scene on his route also just hurts. It's sweet and there's some hope, there's some stuff there, but there's also pieces that let the reader decide for themselves if they think anything will come out of all of this. Thematically, perhaps not. But there's that flare of hope, that beacon I simply must reach out towards. Maybe that's just my own remnants of hope for a clean future that saves us. One that Cedric denies exists.
That's one of the interesting things about him, he's constantly changing and you see that especially on his route. He struggles with his own self worth and personhood to an extent and there's just so much there to dig into, it's absolutely amazing.
Almost a year later, and this still holds up fantastically. Hope you're doing well out there wherever you are, despite the not very active Twitter.
I just finished some of the routes and damn… What lovely storytelling! Kudos to the author, you really made my heart move multiple times throughout the novel. I love the character design so much, it’s so pleasant to look at. This is easily one of the top-tier VNs out there! Looking forward if ever you have more in store for us, author!
Having finished this VN several months ago I still find myself pondering it fondly from time to time. I found myself in the unfortunate position of discovering the project after it's completion, and as such was unable to reabsorb the story multiple times as it was updated. The characters and their motivations are intriguing, the story thought provoking and the art oh so easy on the eyes. Reminds me strongly of Michael Crichton's novel Timeline, they both share many similarities but the most glaring of all being they're both criminally under rated and oft unheard of. "In Case of Emergency" is a fantastic piece of work and I hope more people like myself stumble across it and enjoy it as well.
this game is everything i could ask for in a visual novel. some meta-level morality coming across in both story and mechanics. the writer clearly understands how the context of the medium affects the story. plenty of intellegent humor. the mechanics working with and against the morals to tell a story more true to (my experience of) reality than any FVN before.
One route down and and just left in that hollowed state after finishing a good book. Fantastic writing which leaves food for thought in how we treat our own lives and passing the days away.
Thank you for telling this story and I look forward to going through the rest of the routes.
I hope to see more of your work in the future if you plan on doing a sequel or something new entirely!
Fuuuuck man, Cedric's route destroyed me. First, it was him staying in Peregrine, and like, having no choive but leave him there hit me so hard, for a reason i cannot comprehend...
And then, in denial (and tears), I say 'fuck it' and go back in hope to find a better ending...
Well, I did find it. Cedric coming back was lovely to see. (...) and then he says hes leaving for good. On a life trip to the other side of the country. Like, yeah, i understand, he has to do that, but damm... it still hurts.
Its such a bittersweet ending... but nonetheless a great one. (Both, imo)
All I wanted to do through the second ending was hug Cedric and never let him go. But he has to go.
aaaaa my heaaart!! I can only hope him and Kieran never gets separated again...
Damn... I've only gotten two endings thus far, but... it hits so hard. I'm still crying, damnit. Ilovethis game, I love the characters, and it hurts me to know that I won't get more content than what already exists here.
This is freaking awesome. Quickly became my absolutefavoritegame I've ever played... I... damn. I need to go cry into a pillow now...
Also, I'm just alittlesad my favorite character doesn't have a romance route...
This is such a good game, thank you so much for your amazing work. I'm going to keep these characters in my heart and try to not let it break...
Today i got two endings.
One with Wes and it was soo cute 🤩
I like that he try to live his life with main character (i forget how was his name) and he was so brave to say that for his father. (I'm proud for that i got him first)
And another with Cedric and he decided to be in that world (i almost cry at that moment)
Need to get ending with Lynx and try to find way with Cedric to get him in Real world (i think that there another end with him)
And k don't know what end will be whith that Lynx (and yeah, i got some screenshots when the main character got dildo in his had and brake the 4-th wall, it's quite fuuny how they all standings like this, like Wes i think that he try to say "w*f where did you get this", and Cedric "Man... Put that thing down...")
I really like to play this game and sometime i got a b*ner just reading that kind of stuff (maybe just because i was a roleplayer)
Really really good work!
Thank you for your good visual novele!
All my doubts when this was in early development have been dispelled. I am clawing for where I must have erred, but that is the beauty of this VN. No matter how bleak things become and the darkness may rage, there is always a light, but one must know how to make it out. One must really know how to navigate the void, in order to find even the light's brightest spot. For that I will not give up and will keep trying to get the ending that I want, but wanting means nothing if I don't earn it. For me I always want to earn what I want, for nothing is free, and all have free will, so one must work for it.