I started off with a few smaller items. Ordered the Jaguar, the NeoGeo and the Sega Master System ones first so that I can assess the quality of the printout. They should be with me in a week or two. If you want I can gladly send you some pics of the finished product or if there are any visible imperfections for your future references.
I am not really bothered by small insignificant faults as I would rather have a physical copy in paper to go through and make some notes about instead of scrolling down endless PDFs, which I’ve also downloaded just in case :)
would gladly order more as soon as I see how the first batch looks like :)
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I just want to say thank you and I really, really appreciate your review. You are 100% in that I have a (maybe unhealthy) obsession with lists. I created the first PDF/book (NES) when I started collecting NES games. I couldn't find a good collection guide/list at the time so I started making my own (I actually found the PDF/book I was searching for when I was nearing completion on the project "https://www.spelochsant.se/produkt/ovrigt/bocker/nes-xx-scn-1handbokenomnes-spel...") (it's Swedish, but I love the page design).
I am sure that with your pace one day you will end up doing a full circle around all retro consoles if that is your intention. While there are a lot of encyclopaedias about the popular ones - NES, SNES, N64, etc. there is a certain middle ground between retro and modern consoles that no one has covered - PSP, GBA, DS etc or there are some big failures as consoles that no one really wants to write about - CDi, 3DO etc. I am personally collecting systems only (currently reached 70+), however I always needed some sort of a list when selecting the best games on a console to play so that I can beat at least those and put the system back in the box and on the shelf. Even Wikipedia doesn’t have an entry for every game or pictures regarding each title, this is where your books come into play, since I can quickly have a usable reference about ratings and a summary for each title.
The only field I am truly missing is whether a game is exclusive for the platform or not or what it’s also available on, but I guess since we live in the age of constant remasters and remakes such section might never grow old well, requiring updates to stay accurate.