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23.98642! Very strong run. At first I doubted that 23 was possible with these strats but I executed this run very well. If someone beats this I will be very impressed.
I believe that there are about .2 seconds to be saved at the second to last checkpoint if you do the climb absolutely perfectly, and a faster strat might be possible at the staircase section near the beginning.
I also found that it is possible to jump from the last blue platform in the section where you jump around the 3 walls and go directly to the next checkpoint, but I think its about .1 slower than the normal route.
Here's a list of the most important techniques for getting a fast time:
1.Diagonal Running - By holding down 2 movement keys (such as W and A), you will move diagonally about 45% faster than you move going forward normally. This is used throughout basically the entire run except for the climbing section near the beginning.
2. Short Double Jumping - Press shift to double jump right after you jump normally to do a jump that is slightly higher than a normal jump but not as high as a full double jump. This is used throughout the entire climbing section, the staircase section after it, and the difficult movement at the second to last checkpoint.
3. Respawn Teleport - At the very beginning, run directly into the lava and then as soon as you respawn above the first platform, jump and then double jump to reach the top of the first checkpoint.
4. Edge Jumping - If the lower half of your character runs into the edge of a platform while you are moving upwards, you are still able to jump off of it, however it will not refresh your double jump (unless you edge jump off a triple jump platform). This is used to do the small jumps during the staircase section, and also used at the very last triple jump platform to save a small amount of time. This bug is very annoying during the climbing section because if you accidentally edge jump, you will not be able to double jump to the next platform. To avoid this, wait until you are falling down to hit the platform. In my WR, I do a very short jump and hit the platform as soon as I start falling.