Several files in the Wenrexa Assets Icons - Skill & Spell Icon Pack #5 [80-960].zip are corrupt. Neither Windows 10 nor 7zip will extract about 8 files from it. 7zip states that the file does not exist in the archive for each of the 8. Redownloading does not help/
You need to use not 7zip but regular zip unpacking. Download the archive again, right click on the file and unpack in the usual way. I checked everything works.
It takes much longer than the 7zip way. I am kinda disappointed at the spell and skill pack, however. The icons themselves are good but are ruined by the black background. Can you make transparent background versions?
Great asset pack! I stumbled accross you searching for banners and I just had to buy this huge pack, you will be featured in my games for sure! Much love <3
I added this asset pack. You are a great fellow for noticing this loss in the package. It is strange that no one wrote to me about this ... I apologize for the unpleasant incident.