


Santy is Home

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Amazing game! Loved it!

thanks for playing!

I made a video on your game (21:25)

I was so  happy I made a video on this all your games deserve stand alone videos I’m not sure if there was a secret ending but I did jump and got scared 😂, ever since I included the hungry lamu video in my series it blew up and I want to say Thankyou for making really good games Kulu you have a good talent and I hope you get far with your creations someone probably gonna say I talked too much about you at the end of the video but it’s true you’re an awesome game creator and deserve all the attention keep up the good work you have all my support!

thanks so much dude! really happy to have your support!! ur words genuinely mean a lot :’)

(also u got all the endings in the game! :D)

its no problem man you deserve all the attention and I wish and hope nothing but the best for you and thankyou for watching my video I appreciate it especially since you are the creator keep up the awesome work ill always be around to see it!

Christmas in July! Fun horror game that gave me quite a scare! Really late to the party, but I really liked it! Great job!

christmas is whenever u want it to be!

Sounds like something the real Santy would say...

I'm getting some deep lore feelings here...
and... why is there so many worms lol


i got the lore finally YES
ima post it here and not on twitter lol

Used this game in my compilation

awesome to see it at the start, hilarious too 

I didn't expect Santy even though Zoey warned me.Reallyscared me the first time!

always listen to ur children

sadly i wasn't playing this during christmas but it was still a good game

i'll remind u again in 6 months

i'd really appreciate that haha

Deleted account1 year ago
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Kulu, don't you think it's weird that Santa is an Anagram of SATAN!

My Sherlock Homie abilities tell me-

You reply to all comments, including one I posted in Hungry Lamu. That mean u r always watching. And Santy (Santa) is also watching.

That leads to 4 things-

1. Either you are Santy, Santa's Evil twin

2. If Santy and Santa are the same person, and you are Santy/Santa. Santa is an anagram of Satan. Hence, you are Satan/Lucifer/Devil.

3. If not, then you might be just a stalker.

4. If not a stalker, you are a wholesome game dev who replies to people who like his game including me.

I think you are either number  2, or 4.

im 3 straight up.

ah, got it. very sus indeed.

merry Christmas everyone!! 

may-ry christmas!!

i will not marry you!!

freaked me out!! love it

awesome :D

 i beatttttt it kulu make more

good job! will do 

i was surprised that i didn't flinch from the ending lol

but i did get scared when santy was watching me

mfw a derranged fella is watching me

Thanks! i have a debug version you can try out! ill give you a command if you need it.

omg kulu i love your games they are so fun tysm

ps. santy is always watching (:

thank you :)
ps. always watching...

that is a very good game i got scard when the door was closed and the jump scar came

Very good game! I hope the next one is 10000x scarier. 

im playing right now and im to scared to move

u did good with hungry lamu and this!!!

glad u liked it :)

good, now im scared

request for the next horror game called nights at hell

SANTY SCARED THE LIVING DAY LIGHTS OUT OF ME😭 awesome game though, Im definitely keeping it in my collection! Great work🫶

santy really tried to jumpscare me when i was looking at a cup in the bathroom.

who puts a cup in a bathroom anyway

thx for telling me where the cup is

they are randomized every playthrough lol

I'm a bit late to this but I still wanted to play :)

never too late! 


EDIT: nvm... found it, me just blind



they’re random every playthrough :( look thru every nook and cranny! you’ll find it :)

great game. love it

thanks for playing :D

There is another ending...

Nice! I lik teh Christmas Santeuy Horror :) On a serious note, i like this spook mainly because it makes good use of the scary elements and rewards the player with a good ending if they think to use the rat poison. gg dev :)

thanks for the kind words :) gg!

I got the bad ending because I didn't know I had to put in the rat poison in the cup/plate before I put the milk/cookie flour :(

u can try again :D

I like this game, it's awesome! 

thanks for playing! glad u liked it :)

i cant move at the start

are u playing on web or download?

is it just u cant move? or u cant look around / pause the game as well?

i got the good ending now i just got to get the bad ending really good game though and really creepy atmosphere i loved it 

glad you liked it :)

i love this game i got the best and naughty ending i was wondering if theres any more endings and how to get them

you’re either naughty or nice :)

This game is pitch black for me. I can barley make out the photograph when I load in. Totally unplayable

there are light switches :)

Ah didn't know. I figured it out. But still had to turn my screen brightness all the way up to get to the switch

This is a very cool game. One jumpscare almost made me throw the mouse it was so unexpected. lol

glad the mouse is ok

3rd game in my video. Pretty good game with good scares.

thanks for including it! 

something about funny horror games just slap & this game is no different 😂 Who knew Santa could be so creepy! Nice work, looking forward to what else you release 

thanks for the support :D

Deleted post2 years ago
Deleted2 years ago

stfu u got no father figure

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