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i wonder how much lsd or shroom this player take to see this

"I do not take drugs, I am drugs" - Salvador Dalí

so, so beautiful. the fact that some people won't get to experience this makes me sad.

cool for explore at lot

I spent about 3 hours playing this game, and managed to make it to the 'end'. Pressing 'r' to be sent to random places was addictive. Some combinations of effects and sound were so nice that I just left the game running to enjoy it
(game starts at 3:14:36)

I have a lot of thoughts and opinions on this game, and a lot of them are rather confused, but i love that.

Its rare that I get to play a game that genuinely makes me so intrigued that I join the official discord and look into theories and try to take apart every little piece of it just to get some form of understanding, and these games are that.

Brainstormed, Hypnosumer, and Brainstormed 2 have been the object of me and my friends minds for a while now and we still feel like we are learning more about it every time we get bored and go "wouldn't it be funny if I played that wacky looking game again?"

The visuals both add to my confusion and intrigue, with such an odd but unique style to it.

I also picked a rather funny time shortly before first playing these games to get really into Car Seat Headrest, i was making a stupid face every time i noticed lyrics

Safe to say I'm exited to see what Tragedy of Samael has to offer

Thank you so much! That means a lot to me that you've been looking into theories! 

insanity simulator

this game makes me feel

i wish i could run it better

awesome program

the game of meaningless

loved it so much

after hour of play i can say: you can climb on walls, you can collect friends, you cant die- you only can be teleportet away, some of dimension have tasks, you can use teleport from any distance even if you far away, you sometimes can jump

Wonderful insights

hi! can you please add some graphics settings? i loved the first brainstormed, and i thought it was great. But i have a low end pc, and i can't experience this one! please help

It's really unfortunate, there's no good way to optimize the looping worlds effect that's causing the most lag. I'm looking into making a version with minimum textures etc, but I'm not sure how much that will change.

damn. You could possibly make a brainstormed 2 lite?? without the procedural worlds, and a couple more handcrafted ones. Also, because i cant play brainstormed 2 yet, did you keep in the goofy physics from the last one? it was my favorite part.

The goofy physic is incorporated. There's some balls to push around, and some worms, and dancers.

War will continue

Backwards through narrative and forwards through reincarnation, it will never be ok.

awesome game i dont know whats going on but i could spend hours on this, the worlds, colors, and audio is so interesting

I didn't understood a thing about ge,ga and gi or the blue dot or anything, but I loved the visuals of the game, amazing experience! I really want to trie figure out what the hell is this and explore more of this game.

You've remembered their names, that's a start better than most :)

Drunk gameplay

This was a hell of an experience, loved all the visual effects and tonal shifts. All my exploration and I still feel like I just barely scratched the surface.

Thank you so much for making a video on it!

lokillo game broo 👍👍

Thank you so much for playing it!

Lower quality options would be nice, this thing turns my gtx 760 into a boiler plate

80 is ok :D my laptop used to run at 80 stock

Sorry, the recursive effect is really hard to optimize :(

this is amazing id love a vr mode

that would kill u

exactly my point and id still love a vr modeLOL

seriously though, wonderful game, you did an amazing job

Love the style. Deeply inspired·View all by MDEV0·Report·Embed

