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I was hoping for a scene with the escaped prisoner in the Fire Dungeon. I know on the one island you can get three enemies to go back for some scenes. I hope there will be a time when you can get some of the enemies to go to a personal area where we get to see some action with enemies we think are hot.
Love acquiring items even in battle. You should have Fucko have a steal option like you have the bribe in the Rat's cave. Appreciate the drop rate considering the worst of all I can say is in FFIV and I have the complete version. Praying for a rare item to drop takes days if not weeks for that game.
Sorry for sounding angry with the issues I saw. I'm just frustrated with a game that I love to play. I just think it's not fair to anyone that plays the game to have to see their hard work getting their characters customized and items they got to be gone and depending on what save you've been left with, you may miss out on certain events because of it. I know it's hard making the game and I don't want to come off as being angry. I hope that these issues get worked out. I don't want to walk away from this game. I hope you'll forgive me if I've offended you.
This RPG is a masterpiece!
I'm pretty impressed with the creativity of the developer to make so many hot men from diverse species, personalities character archetypes. You're really good at this, dude!
Most of the sexy characters are the big hunk bottoms, but there are many cute tops (besides the MC) who are super exciting too. The enemies, the NPCs... All of them are so beautiful, well drawn and arousing! I don't know how this game isn't more known yet. It deserves a lot more recognition!
(I love how adorable and cute Foxot sprite is, specially compared to the huge ORC he fucked XD)
The sex scenes are way better than expected, I usually am not a fan of moaning and "slapping" sounds when watching sex scenes, games and etc.; but here they're pretty decent.
There are even animations, an place to rewatch all of them and many other rewards when you arrive a further place (Shiptown). It felt really worthing playing!!!
Not to mention the soundtrack, which are genuinely good and make me want to listen to them again, especially the fire dungeon ones.
Thanks for making such a great game! Looking forward to see more of your work and sexy adventures with our bunny team! ^-^
I just finished the 0.12 public build and got every scene and event except for the one with Death, I'm just too good at the game!
Everything here so far is really wonderful. The artwork is very vibrant, the NPCs have nice variety in species and design and the writing and scenarios constantly shift form hilarious to horny in the best way.
I'm looking forward to when the game is complete, I'll definitely purchase it when it's done!
I think it's amazing so far, only thing I don't like is that once in a while I have to completely reset from the beginning and it's kinda annoying... So it would be nice if there was like a cheat code or something to bring us to where the latest spot was with certain or maybe even all things unlocked that was possible from the previous save or something like that
Any chance you could have some of the minor enemies you fight end up being a partner in the group? I was thinking of like a tag system where each character gets to have a partner that could sub in when they get injured or have some ability they give when they're paired up with certain characters. Always wished I could fight with the betas, rats, and the hyena.
Instructions are here.
Honestly, I'm quite surprised at the quality for a kink-focused game. Combat's interesting, and you get some funky builds with all sorts of equipment and stat spread you can choose from, the art is amazing, on all aspects, the music is bopping and memorable, the characters are fun and unique (and hot!), and even though they can feel corny at times, it fits the vibe, and the humor often gets me. Also, the dungeons are pretty fun, even though the only one I've done that was substantial yet was the fire dungeon. Truth be told, I'm kind of bummed that I'm not personally into sex scenes, otherwise it would've been just the best kinky game out there to me.
If I were to make a fair review however, there were a few sore points that stood out to me, like the ingredient grinding, which gets tiring and/or frustrating pretty quick, since they're not guaranteed drops and you often need a lot of them to craft everything.
I think having a way to skip scenes would be good, if it's not already implemented, as sometimes, you can walk into a scene you already saw by accident and don't really want to sit through all of it again, despite the fast-forward.
I believe the map should have a "click when on an area to try and access" rather than the "stop moving to get the prompt" mechanic, which feels awkward to use.
There's also the fourth party member. I don't know if I'm just not using him well, but he's been feeling extremely lackluster as a battler compared to the others. Even charging for two turns to gain TP and boost crit damage, using a surefire crit skill afterwards, the damage output was terrible, and while he has pretty good HP, his tanking aptitudes and supportiveness are not very high/inexistant. All the while, the MC and Lace destroy everyone and Wulfric just tanks anything for ages while supporting the team.
This is all based on the public build, so maybe some of these things have already been addressed. Other than that, I seriously think the game is a gem, and you can clearly feel the effort and thought put into it. Great job!
In regards of Fucko, here's some tips: Before you fight any enemies, grab the Potion of Potential behind the river puzzle, and give Fucko +3 ATK (if you still got the Beard Serum, let him have that as well). Then go straight for the underwater section, talk to the giant slime, and unlock Nick's location. Before you head there, grab the Magical Leaf from the chest above the black cat NPC, and give it to Fucko, so he can level up faster.
Then go to Nick's home, talk to him, and get The Sea's Song (the shell) to give Fucko some more stat points. But most importantly, grab the Stinker! It lets Fucko attack twice per turn, so not only does he double the damage (with crit chance), it also doubles his TP gain per turn. Then give fucko every item that boosts his ATK even further. One of the unique hats, the Biker Jacket from Skunky Hunk, the Broken Unbreakable Shackles (from Duiro's boss chests) or Spiky Gloves, Spiky Cockhugger and Spiky Boots from Hunkypunk, and a Ruby Ring, which you can craft at Wizzy's (and a second one, for once you're done leveling and you wanna get rid of the Magical Leaf).
Then go do the farming with the enemies, but try to get them all to join the base as early as possible, so you can watch their scenes and get extra stat points right away, which you all sink into Fucko's ATK. (If you still haven't unlocked the scene for dying 5 times, you can also do this on Pine Island for one more stat point). If you do all that, at lvl 13 he'll already deal 75-150 damage per turn with normal attacks alone, depening on your luck with crits. Fucko starts a little slow for now, but he's got mad potential later.
Ah, I think I gave the potion of potential and beard serum to Wulfric, stupidly enough (the beard serum was before I decided to make him a tank. And he was way tanky enough to not need the potion of potential, I just wanted to spread the stat items a bit since one could only be given to Fucko). I did get the sea song for him, and I never actually equip the stinker, but it's true that for TP alone, and with enough attack, the slight attack downgrade on it will be worth (or was it crit dmg downgrade with what I had equipped? Can't remember). I also did the dying 5 times later, but I didn't think of dying with Fucko in the party so he lost that stat point too >>. I think that 30 something stat points he's missing out on does bring him down quite a bit. Would be nice if those stat point were like in a cumulative bank in which you could see how many extra stat points you've gotten, and new party members would gain access to the same number of stat points. He's still a little underleveled for now, but I've already been using the magical leaf so he's getting near there. Sad that he can't join the Fire dungeon, even though it's in the very cave he was occupying before leaving the continent.
There is a glitch that allows you to take Fucko to the Western Island with you. Get on the ship and sail to the crossroad between Shiptown, Nick's Home and Pine Island (the red dot in the middle). Then use the mouse and click on the dock of Shiptown. The game will ask you if you wanna go to Shiptown, and if you pick "yes", you will spawn at the harbor as a tiny ship. However, pressing Enter will cause the group of four to leave the ship, and you can now walk around the Western Island as you wish. To fix this glitch, all you need to do is talk to Dolpho, who will then port you back to the ocean like nothing happened.
That way, you can use Fucko to farm on the Western Island as well. The glitch only works in the public version though, in the Patreon version it's already been fixed.
So, it's been a year since last time i played this game (March 2022). I was excited to see how far the story goes.
But then... After i finished the newest build, i feel like the main story is not went too far since last year. We just go to the Pine Island, pick a fruit, go to Rocky Oasis for short time and then the end. Because the Piratetown still not finished.
If you compare it to other year progress :
• In 2019 (november, build 0.1) to 2020 (december, build 0.7), they made the story from the start, the light forest, the logtown, the logforest, the gloomy forest, the bangers club and the shiptown (not finished yet).
• In 2021 (february, build 0.8) to 2022 (march, build 0.12), they made beach, underwater, beach cave and 3 floor of fire dungeon (also more progress in the shiptown).
• After that, from april 2022 to april 2023 we only get small progress like i said above. Oh and the blue orb from pine island that lead us to the sea monster lair. But still, there is no many thing we can do in there.
Maybe you said "but we got so many new sex scenes". Yes, i like the sex scenes, it's hot and the art is good too. But because of that, the story progress is going slower. They made sex scenes for many NPCs that did not important to the story. I can tolerate and understand the sex scene with the pirate crews because the story already said they all want have sex with the main character from the start they meet in cave. But the whole sex scene in pine island base? Is not important to the story.
Now i'm afraid if they will make many sex scenes again in piratetown later. Because i have seen many good looking NPCs in there. When will the main story continue? 😔
I like this game so much. The game have huge potential. The art, music, story, the effect when fighting, the jokes, all is very good! I even try to interact with many items on the map just to see the funny commentary specially in carrots, barrels, crates, old stoves and fires 😆 so funny and interesting for me. Thank you for adding so many little details in this game.
Well, that's all i want to say for now 😅 i will wait again until next year. Let's see how many progress the developers can make this year 😁
I don't know how viable it would be to implement, but I think it would be nice if new party members retroactively got the extra stat points from sex scenes
As it stands the sistem incentivises you to skip all optional sex-scenes and only do them once you have all party members
It's not too big a problem as you don't really have to min-max in order to win combat, but it still hurts my gamer instincts