I think the art is great but a bit inconsistent in terms of style, the storyline is somewhat too intense, theres no rollback function, and there isn't an ability to change modes when you lock it in.
But one of the main issues is that you can't load your saves in the menu. You have to go through loading a mew game and THEN will you be able to access your journal. Another one is not enough spicy scenes. I get it, a great game needs some depth, but this game offers nsfw capabilities, so I really think more nsfw scenes should be added to the game (all natural mode doesn't cut it, although, it is a great idea! Definitely keep it.) My final thought is a step by step guide on how to get close enough to each character. I feel like it could help many of us out.
Some great points you hit are your writing abilities. I would bet that you took college courses on writing if you ended up with this amount of skill. Another one is the depth of the game. Like, holy shit, this is deeper than the mu-fuggin Mariana Trench. I personally don't like it, but someone else definitely will! (If you could make an easy going mode and an in depth mode, that would be great as well!) The art is superb, even if it is a bit inconsistent. You have cartoon characters over here and then detailed characters over there, but never do they look bad. All of them look amazing all the time.
This doesn't mean I'll stop playing though. I kind of like the detail this game goes into. It makes me feel like I actually have a crime syndicate in my town that I need to worry about and/or involve myself in sooner or later.
Obviously, I know my critiques and criticisms might blow over your head since you have a lot on your plate. That or you don't have any care for them. I'm not asking you to fulfill my wishes, I wouldn't do that unless I was commissioning a game. I simply wish to submit my ideas and response to the game.
Great game. Would recommend. 8/10 from me.
I actually am working on a sequel to this game right now ^^ and I always take into consideration feedback. I think this game ended up with 17 total lewd scenes scattered through it but more is always better. I do want the games to stand on their own without the lewd content so I sprinkle them in when they seem appropriate. I am, however, hoping to include more in the next game with some more interesting variety. Rollback function is another big feature request that I'd like to add. That and saving anywhere instead of checkpoints are two big requests. I've got the programming done to save anywhere, and I think I have a good idea on how to make rollback work nicely so with any luck they'll both make an appearance. Mode change would be nice too and could easily be added into the pause menu. If I get some spare time I might update Chasing Tail with that feature anyway. I do have a pending update with a few bug fixes and an 18th lewd scene prepped to be added still ^^
It's on my to do list for sure. I've got a big outline for the game and all the paths started but needs more work and then I'll post it up online somewhere or I guess I could even put it in the game itself. I know the flowcharts don't give all the info but hopefully in the meantime they'll help a little.