


Don't Pee Your Pants

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I thought this was really great! I loved the visuals and the idea of a surreal horror mile long walk to the bathroom through your trans related trauma is really good, and the positive ending was a nice touch. I also though the inclusion of the transmed with his fatphobia and transphobia was very apt and accurate, shows how too many trans people internalise the way our oppressors see our community and lash out at other trans prople.

This game was amazing! The art style of the characters and the fact they they are shapes (object) contrasted with the very real and very human things that they were saying. This contrast made it really easy to interpret to absurdity of the disrespect that trans individuals experience. Why should a shape tell a shape it doesn't look enough like that shape? That's dumb, yet people are able to justify doing it to others because they aren't "far enough into the binary." Tl;dr I thought this was such an impactful and well-designed game with a lovely ending.

excellent game! I thought that the visuals were simple but really really well done, and did a great job at expressing the message of cisgenderness versus trangenderness and how differently people are treated. I was originally a bit confused going into the game, but I still really enjoyed it once I got a hang of what was going on. 

A well-thought-out game. Every detail, especially the colors and shapes of the characters, was well planned.  Seeing another red character at the end of the game even brought closure to me, as it was a clear indicator that I 'made' it (where everyone else from before was toxic). I also appreciate the color tones of each separate location the doors take you in, and how there's a consistent structure involved in the game's narration. (i.e. You can always expect to meet a new character in every location.)

I thought this was an excellent game. I thought that the visuals were really well done. I thought it was very clever how the characters were shown, with squares and circles representing the cisgender characters, and the other gender non-conforming characters represented by various different shapes. I thought that this was an interesting way to show the difficulty that many trans people have fitting in with people who do not understand them. This attention to detail and thoughtfulness really helped me connect with the game and its message. Well done!

I really enjoyed this game! It had elements of thrill through the uncertainty of when you will complete it and the numerous differently styled mazes. I really liked the bright colors utilized through each level. In terms of the deeper meaning of the game, I felt it had a very powerful message. It is disheartening and honestly deeply disturbing that trans people have to encounter this. It is a deep state of anxiety that I would not wish upon anyone. This is a very nicely styled game with a very deep meaning. Thank you for sharing!

This is a very unique game! I felt the anxiety in the text as the character was moving around, and the tough message of the game contrasted with the adorable avatar and colorful rooms, which was very effective in conveying this topic. This game was very well made.

sk32523 years ago(1 edit)(+1)

This was definitely one of those games that I have never played before.: finding a public toilet when you actually feel the great urge to use one! VERY unique! The distinct stories each "guards" had were intriguing and the difference in background colours were very useful in elaborating on the anxiety one would feel when finding a public toilet. However, one way to slightly improve the game may be trying to intensify the tension within the game. The fact that the player has sufficient time to go through each stage decreases the anxiety one would feel. Surely, if you are in desperate need to use the toilet, you would not really have the time to carefully make each movement and listen to all of the stories the guards had. Maybe including a 10~15 second timer may be effective in intensifying the game. If the player runs out of time, the avatar is at the risk of peeing in its trousers. Other than this, I believe that the game was very interesting!

I loved this! Thanks for sharing!

I originally played the game without reading the description first and I was kinda confused, but slowly realized that it was a trans person living out all the experiences they've had with different people in their lives. It's ironic that the art and sprites are so cute, but the dialogue and subject matter is so deep and sad.

This game definitely and accurately depicts the anxiety trans people go through when going to public bathrooms. The changing backgrounds really conveyed a sense of urgency and a tense environment. Very well made—really speaks to your personal experiences. 

This was hard to get through. The fact that their are transgender/transexual  people who experience this is heartbreaking. This game is super powerful and important. Super well developed, more people need to play this and learn to learn and unlearn.

Wow, that WAS intense. I could feel myself getting angry at what they were saying. The bright colors that switched between settings provided a heightened feeling of urgency and anxiety. I think you did a very good job conveying emotion here.

I think the different colors of the rooms really speak to the stark contrast in personal experiences with this issue.  It's almost painful to adjust your senses to everyone.

Definitely something new to experience, every room sounded like something that someone different might say. I can definitely see why you said this was a bit of a venting thing. Too many people think they can just say whatever they want as if they were asked for their opinion.  Tells a very interesting story of someone living for that long.  I think that was done phenomenally. 

important topic. stunning patterns and movement thru the rooms. wouldn have never thought to do something like that. great job.

Oof, I clicked on this thinking it would be a joke game but nope, just feels.

Nice work, dude!·View all by pensyte·Report·Embed

