Really liking the color palette used. And the fact that you can call to get help. The deduction part I'm assuming will require more player input in the future, maybe that's the reason for the portrait when looking at people?
Looking forward to future updates. Maybe the mice will come out when Sher... ahem... the main character plays the violin.
The mice coming out if you play the violin for them is a BRILLIANT idea, I'm definitely filing that one away!
Yes, my plan is that observing details of characters and crime scenes will open up dialogue options and further the story. It's tricky balancing that and not wanting to put the player to be put in a situation where they can't progress because they didn't happen to put their mouse over some tiny pixelated detail - so I think having an in-game hint system for what kinds of things you should be looking at is really important!
I thought that was the plan all along, to have the mice eventually be lured out by playing the violin. :) Maybe that could be a way to ... convince a character to leave a room.
Difficulty is quite the task but there are options. I mean, there's already one in the build - calling Mycroft. Another one could be a short highlight of interactive areas. It will be interesting to see how the observation mechanic will work. Will Hol... the player's character be able to "see" details before talking to NPCs? Will you have to go back and forth to see the portrait of the NPCs & pin-point details that unlock new dialogue options?
I think the solution for this one is not elementary Watson...
Oh, and, will Sh... the player's character have any pets?