I enjoyed it very much! It was a great puzzle game.
I made a Japanese translation of this game. If you are interested, please take a look. I hope you would be pleased.
ルール解読系パズル本「LOK」の日本語翻訳 / JP translation of the word search puzzle book "LOK" by Blaž Urban Gracar https://gomamisomix.hatenadiary.com/entry/2022/09/24/001012
I will also upload my Let's Play videos on my YouTube channel in the future. (Since I am speaking in Japanese, I know it will be difficult to understand!)
Anyway, good game!
Hi, Competor, this is great! Thank you for playing LOK and for translating it (and also for the kind words). I'm interested in making a Japanese edition PDF with your translation - if you agree, please contact me at blazgracar@gmail.com - there are some details I need to sort out beforehand.
Looking forward to the Let's Play videos, even though I won't understand them :D
Thanks again, I think it's fantastic that you took your time to translate it! Best, Blaž