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I am amazed how people focus on what Lovecraft said or did in his personal life, regardless of what he created. I don’t mean to be oblivion to his extreme ideas, but if we did the same to every writer/artist/creator we follow in life, we should erase from our lifes many of the most famous and praised authors, some of which would be much worse than Lovecraft, according to today’s moral standards -and even to their own times’-. Let’s differentiate what a guy thought to himself and what he created. The USA has recently had a quasi-nazi president, and this does not mean that we should qualify as such the nation that elected him. So please, keep things where they belong.As for myself, I will buy this excellent game by evilhat as soon as I can afford it.
I know this is old but this comment sort of struck a nerve with me.
You do realize that Lovecraft was considered rather racist and classist even for his time right?
Lovecraft grew up very spoiled and VERY sheltered which lead him to think that basically everyone who wasn't white, english and well off were all inhuman. I would actually argue that Lovecraft's fear of everything is what made that signature feeling of cosmic insignificance all the more powerful. Lovecraft had a way of writing that instills lingering paranoia. He really was a master of the craft......
Doesn't stop me from thinking that he was a pathetic man and a racist though.
I just came across this page so I don't really get the drama that went down like.....2 years ago or something? But it sounds like the devs said some dumb shit on Twitter about everyone who enjoys Lovecraft being racist which.....certainly is a look for someone publishing a Cthulhu based ttrpg. I don't think the devs were right for saying that (since clearly I enjoy Lovecraft's work and I don't really think I'm racist) but I don't think what you said was right either.
Also....Lovecrapped clearly made a throwaway account just to try to get a rise out of people which is honestly pretty shitty.
Uh........sorry for rant on the three month old comment. I hope I didn't come off as rude I just care a lot about history and the horror genre.
Edit: I looked it up and apparently all the devs did was call Lovecraft a racist? Which then people started defending Lovecraft????? Who has been dead for a very, very, long time now?????? Huh?????????????????? Um.......okay??????????????????????
As you yourself said, mistaking one person for what he wrote is a serious error, and a very hypocritical thing to do, since most “wasps” in the USA at the time were so racists as Lovecraft was, so only Lovecraft went a notch farther and he even made it public.He was racist, should I ban all his work for that? Trump is equally racist, should we ban all the US citizens for that, since they elected him President? Let’s not mix things. Lovecraft was racist, right. I will befriend him not marry him. I will just read him, since it is worthy what he wrote in the horror domain. Nothing else.
I wasn't saying you were a bad person for reading Lovecraft I was just saying that Lovecraft was racist even for his time and to say otherwise is factually incorrect. Like I said before I didn't mean to come off as rude and I'm sorry if I did so I just meant to correct what you said in your comment.
I thought this looked interesting, then I realised this is the game whose devs clowned themselves on twitter, calling everyone who likes the Cthulhu mythos and the works of Lovecraft racist. Not going to support those grifters so I guess I'll miss out on stellar writing like "In an alternate timeline, cultural appropriation of Afro-Atlantic religious traditions causes a zombie apocalypse".