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if im being honest i love this vn so much.
zander have the same shitty personality as me and i hate every second of it.
im trying to be a better person and i actually accomplished it, after reading this vn i actually realized theres someone out there whos ahve to struggle like this and i hope we all can get thru this together turn into the best version of us.
all i wanted to say is thank you so much for making this vn, i mean it.
It's the best VN ever! The way the story dives deep into emotional issues is just brilliant. It doesn’t shy away from the tough stuff. Instead, it embraces it. You end up going on this rollercoaster of feelings, and when a character hits rock bottom, you can’t help but feel that gut punch. It reflects many things in this world of struggle. Thank you so much for creating such a profound and meaningful story. Definitely waiting to follow the next story!
ive decided its my prerogative to leave comments under art that moves and wowzer bowzer this shit is tuff,
[spoilered comment]
MMA fighting and ace-gay dragon rep is genuinely so awesome.i was so endeared to all the characters at the end i just wanted them to be happy and fulfilled. they each remind/ed me of myself at different times when i was/am at my worse; the tension of each fight tightened around me like a verbal noose yet i kept dancing on the edge of my chair...until the slack was completely cut by the coolest lads coming together with the power of friendship to defeat the forces of hatred. hahah that sounds tacky but it was very genuine and sincere, the ending felt earned and i got wholesome poly gay[and gayace] furry :].
When I first heard about this project I didnt know what to expect other than fighting being a big part of it. After meaning to read it for so long and now having done so, wow.PLEASE READ IT IF YOU HAVENT. I will share a few thoughts as a personal send off and compliments to the chef :> Where do I begin?
Early on they are very flawed and a lot of them come across like dicks, but that's why their development shines so much better. The hook for the whole story is set up so early that the resolution of it at the end of the story is a bitter sweet win. It was a perfect way to start off the narrative. And while the cast is small with only a handful of important characters, they all get so much love and attention and work incredibly well of each other, that I feel like any more would have been distracting.
The writing of the day to day life, the training, fighting and many of the heart to hearts were written so well that I got immersed in the world.
Fight days were the highlights, with the action being clear with mostly words and few visuals. While the mundane days leading up to it had drama and surprises around every corner. I never knew what to expect, sometimes it was silly with lighthearted moments thanks to Redline, Bucky and Drayden. Other times members of FANG as well as each interaction with Bruce left an uneasy air as well as a little bit of mystery? It was great.
This may not be true for everyone, but it felt nice being able to relate to a lot of the personal issues the cast was facing. (Not to spoil anything, but having a character be asexual made me jump out of my chair. Thank you for the representation I often feel missing in VNs ;v;)
When it comes to the late half of the story had me at the edge of my seat. The intensity of the conflicts increased with each passing month in the story, I was scared of what it all builds up to. I grew so attached to the characters that I was rooting for them like they close friends I desperately needed to succeed in order to know peace.
Although the story's end is satisfying, I adore its world and main cast so much, that it makes me wish there was more. These 3 grown goobers and their spiritual fathers stole my heart haha!
All this to say I loved it. It's been on my mind ever since, it resonated strongly with me and I cannot emphasize how well it's doing what it set out to do. Excited for future projects!!!
(I dont write reviews like ever so I hope my ramblings make sense haha)
Shaking in my boots I just finished it
I am unbelievably happy to have read this story
My heart rate picked up a lot over course of this, really put my ass on the emotional roller coaster, had me rootin and hollering(internally)
I will be thinking of their vacation at the beach house. As the break they truly deserve! I could feel myself going light headed when that relationship was truly defined, great stuff great stuff I’ve always wanted to see that in media 💛💛💛
wrote a longish review on my website, in case anyone is interested:https://purkka.fi/fvn_recs.html#undefeated
I just finished reading and I gotta say I'm sad to see that its over. The ending was so sweet. This VN was pretty deep and emotional at times and I really liked the characters a lot. The 2 choices at the end of the phone call with dad especially, held SOO much weight to it. I just sat there staring at the screen for 5 min unsure what to click. Imma miss my Brucey, Drayden and everyone needs someone like Redline or Buckey in their life. Sad to see them go.
This VN is as solid as Bruces Jaw! 5 stars!
It’s been such a nice ride ^^I’m so happy to see the end of this beautiful story and also sad that we won’t see our boys again in another round.Haters that used to plague this project be damned! They will not see how fulfilling experience it become. It’s us who will remember and spread the word and love to the world!Thank you Leo <3
It was a short, but awesome novel for me. While reading, I felt both sorrow and happiness, both anger and enthusiasm. I felt what the characters felt at that moment and I was always eager to find out what would come next. I'm truly grateful for ur team and ur job. U did everything perfectly. I absolutely loved the ending and happy that everything ended like that. ^w^
PS. The commissioner is an a**h**e.
I don't know how to express how I feel about this Vn, but just wow, and to think that I followed the development from its first version and looked forward to the next update month after month, now that it's concluded I can say that it was worth the wait, and the ending, like almost every Fvn that ends, leaves me with a feeling of emptiness, you become attached to the characters and you would like to live more adventures with them but it left me with great satisfaction. Congratulations and thank you for this great work, I enjoyed it.
What a beautiful send-off in the end. Undefeated has so much heart in it, it’s really lovely. I’ve gotten teary-eyed multiple times over the course of this story. Redline is just the sweetest fighter ever. But really, all the character writing was really well done. Thanks for sharing this VN with us! >w<